LOL @ Think about it. Since "they" more than likely monitor this site, I wouldn't be surprised if they actually used your idea. That would be hilarious, "new light" originating from an X-JW site. Bwahahaha -Leslie
This generation will by now means pass away..."
by Jewel 51 Replies latest jw friends
In my opinion, this is the best explanation of the generation, mentioned at Matt. 24:34. But God forbid, that means Christendom has been right all along! The term generation is understood to mean just what it normally means, namely, 30 to 100 years, or a generation, a life span. But the generation referred to in the expression “this generation” is not the generation to whom Christ is speaking, but the generation to whom the signs will become evident. In effect He is saying that the generation which sees the specific signs, that is, the great tribulation, will also see the fulfillment of the second coming of Christ. Vol. 129: Bibliotheca Sacra Volume 129. 1972 (513) (24). Dallas, TX: Dallas Theological Seminary.
term generation is understood to mean just what it normally means, namely, 30 to 100 years, or a generation, a life span.____Vidqun
And the WTS used to agree on that until they had to find a way to wiggle out of a false prophecy
and continue to hoodwink the sheep
" Have you ever wondered why we grow old and die ? Some sea turtles live for hundreds of years. Certain trees have lived for thousands of years. But humans live just 70 or 80 years and then die. "__________Reasoning from the Scriptures book page 14
Here, they are not talkin' bout a mother and a daughter ( that overlap ) being born and dyin' at the same time, they are talkin' bout
the life span of an individual
" ( The " generation " that was alive at the beginning of fulfillment of the sign in 1914 is now well along in years. The time remaining must be very short. )"_______Reasoning from the Scriptures book page 239
Also, here, they explain that it would be the ones who actually saw the fullfilment in 1914
are the ones that are well along in years. Those Born When Fred Franz died, are still in their 20's
It means whatever the GB says it means, today, now. This is of course subject to change, but then it will mean whatever they say it means then.
Is that clear?
Lather, rinse, repeat.
Where is that Time or Newsweek article? Of course no active dub will read it if it quotes Ray Franz. Still it sounds interesting.
Think About It
Where is that Time or Newsweek article? Of course no active dub will read it if it quotes Ray Franz. Still it sounds interesting.
I'm not sure where that article is, but I would love to read it again. Seems like if it mentioned Ray Franz at all it was only briefly. It may have been another major magazine, besides Tme or Newsweek. The point the writer made was that the JW religion put an expiration date on itself as to weither they were God's prophets or not. I may see if I can search for it.
St George of England
Of course if the WTS or anyone else wanted to know how long a generation is they could always read the Bible:-
Matthew 1:17 -
17?All the generations, then, from Abraham until David were fourteen generations, and from David until the deportation to Babylon fourteen generations, and from the deportation to Babylon until the Christ fourteen generations.
Now a bit of simple arithmetic -
Abraham born 2018 BCE
Jesus born 2 BCE
Time between these two events - 2016 which according to the verse above equals 42 generations
2016/42 = 48 years per generation
How easy is that?
ST George, is that to be understood as from the time of Abraham's death to the time of David's birth? And then from David's death until the deportation, or from David's birth? Where do we start counting? If I go from my Grandfather's generation to mine, do I go from birth to birth? Does every Parent count as a generation, so that my Granfather would be 1, my Father would be 1, and then myself, making 3 generations regardless of individual lifespans?
Think About It
Time between these two events - 2016 which according to the verse above equals 42 generations.
How many "over-lapping generations" would this equal?
I swear......some of the wacky stuff the Governing Body comes up with, sometimes I wonder if they don't just sit around and make bets on the most bat-shit crazy "new light" they can come up with to get the Dubs to swallow hook, line & sinker.