That toopid "generation" teaching is going to be their downfall in the end. I knew it was a maneuver in 1995 when they changed it. My first reaction to that article was, "We're going to see 2000 in this system, aren't we?" I remember the brother I said that to tried to spin it in the Society's favor. I just snorted.
This generation will by now means pass away..."
by Jewel 51 Replies latest jw friends
Think About It
I'd like to phone a Governing Body friend at Bethel.
Think About It
That toopid "generation" teaching is going to be their downfall in the end. I knew it was a maneuver in 1995 when they changed it. My first reaction to that article was, "We're going to see 2000 in this system, aren't we?" I remember the brother I said that to tried to spin it in the Society's favor. I just snorted.
In the 80's, when I was a very devout JW.....I remember reading an article in a major news magazine in which it discussed how the Watchtower Society would have to change it's endtime teachings, since they painted themselves into a corner with the 1914 generation teaching. Sure enough the WTS did change their main-made doctrines again. I would love to remember what magaizine it was in. Something like Time or Newsweek.
It may have been the "time" that ray franz was in....
generation - definition of generation by the Free Online Dictionary ...
gen·er·a·tion (j n -r sh n). n. 1. All of the offspring that are at the same stage of descent from a common ancestor: Mother and daughters represent two generations...
Generation under New Light : Mother + daughter = One Generation
The generation that Jesus talked about ended at the destruction of Jerusalem, approximately 37 years after his assension.
There is no "generation" parallel in the final judgement of the gentile world, as Jesus comes to seperate the wheat and weeds like a thief in the night, in contrast to the judgement on fleshly Israel with all the signs as specified in Matthew 24:1-35, when the early church was resurrected and ruptured. Revelation 20:1-6, 7:1-8, 14:1-5. In MHO.
By all honest rational thinking, a generation can not be more than one human life span.
This is why I think the WTS. will eventually drop 1914 all together in the future.
By all honest rational thinking, a generation can not be more than one human life span._______Finlklestien
Jehovah's Witnesses are not rational thinkers, The rational thinkers have left
Think About It
This is why I think the WTS. will eventually drop 1914 all together in the future.
The WTS should have changed their stance and agreed with the secular scholars that Jerusalem was destroyed in 587 BCE. Then they could have just claimed the Gentile Times ended in 1934. They could have built some type of Theology around Hilter and his Nazi Party coming to power around then. Jesus being invisably present with war in heaven, and Satan being cast down and starting WWII by 1939. They could have stuck with the "this generation" teaching and rode it out until 2034. Then they could have pulled out the Noah preached for 120 years to get them to 2054.
@ Think abou it
You're a much better doctrine spinner than the bunch at WT HQ!
But maybe you just gave them some printable new light ideas