Rusell Crowe was so awful! :O I really enjoyed the movie and was elated when he killed himself and split in two. No more singing from him. :D If only his awful band would go away forever too...
Anyone Else See Les Miserables?
by BizzyBee 64 Replies latest jw friends
Oh, Shamus!
That part was painful - I admit was wanting him to end it all to spare Jean Valjean, but I couldn't believe he would land right on the ledge! Ouch!
Actually, his singing sort of grew on me - but I could see how it would be considered awful.
All in all, the whole movie was a leap of tolerance outside one's usual comfort zone - bad skin, bad teeth, bad singing, etc.
BUT - Hugh Jackman was a total awesome hunk!
I agree with Shamus about Rusell Crowe:)
Mrs smiddy and I saw the stage play (musical ) in melbourne and also in Brisbane we both loved it . We also have the 2 DVD`s by Cameron Mackintosh "The Musical That Swept The World" in Concert & "The Musical Event of a Lifetime" in Concert The 25th Anniversary . I guess you have to like musicals ,and these versions are classic. I`m curious to see the film version ,though I have heard russel crowe was a bit disappointing , he`s not trained as a singer in theatre . Here in Australia SBS is showing a mini-series with Gerard Depardieu and jon Malchovick in the main characters .
eva luna
Musicals give me a bad rash. They suspend my imersion into the story. Who really bursts out sining their thoughts into song.
(except for Caberet, but that's part of the story)
I love the older versions that Berangira mentioned and an old black and white French one too.
I've read the book and found Victor Hugo's words so mesmerizing.
Oh and I skipped the play too, when I heard it was a musical. 'Le' Mis'... ok my pet peeve
Did Javert (Russell Crowe's character) actually die? I've heard there is going to be a sequel: Les Miserables 2: Revenge of Javert
Tarantino is slated to direct.
OK, to you people that didn't like it, what is wrong with you, are you completely heartless.
The movie had an amazing story, heart wrenching music, the actors hit a home run, Ann Hathaway should win the best supporting actress. Hugh Jackman should win best actor
For those that don't agree, it's ok, but you know you're big LOSERS!!!!!!!
Best movie of the YEAR
Ee-hah! Don't hold back, fedup!
This is a movie that does grow on one. Do yourself a favor and just suspend criticism and become immersed in the story and the music.
In the bag for Hugh Jackman - his performance is incredible - should win the Oscar.
Amelia Ashton
I have 6 different performances of Les Mis on my computer and just got the soundtrack 2 days ago of the new movie not out in UK yet.
Have to confess the vocal performances were not the best just listening but I know from the trailers I have seen I wil love the film when it does come to our screens, not least because a lot of it was filmed right here in Portsmouth.
Every time it comes to town. (The stage version) It's a favorite