Yes! love it and cried all the way through.
Anyone Else See Les Miserables?
by BizzyBee 64 Replies latest jw friends
Amelia Ashton
How could anyone watch it and not cry?
AMAZING> also visually beautiful- the CGI is well integrated into the film.
I didnt get to see it until now.
After it was over I jsut wanted to sit there and have a good cry.
I loved Javert and Cosette.
Going to see it again with one of my daughters on Wednesday evening. Really looking forward to it!
Absolutely loved it! Would watch it again. The stage only allows you to physically see so much although the voices always tend to be superior - I felt the movie allowed you to see the emotion so much better that it could be felt than just heard. With the movie I could become part of their anguish - with the stage it's like watching their anguish.
I thought Ann Hathaway was phenomenal - I was leery when I heard all the acolades she got but that changed when her voice became her emotion. Crowe was not great but then again, I didn't expect him to be and Hugh did a good job of Jean.
This is a movie that I will watch a few times over again - it exceeded my expectations. sammieswife
Saw it on Friday. Loved it. Of course, I'm a huge fan of musicals and Les Mis the stage version is my favourite musical of all time. I thought they did an excellent job of translating it to the big screen, something that doesn't always happen.
My daughter sobbed through the whole thing. I managed to hold off until they started to sing "Red and Black", then Little people, Can you hear the people sing.... by that time I was sobbing, too. All these young people with so much passion fighting to change the world against impossible odds. I found that aspect of the story the most moving.
Russel Crowe was tolerable, but just barely. The part I was not really crazy about was Master of the House. I guess they needed to showcase the comedic talents of two of the box office draws (Helena Bonham Carter and Sacha Baron Cohen), but it kind of ruined one of my favourite numbers for me. Hugh Jackman was excellent, as was Samantha Barks (Eponine). I also loved the kid playing Gavroche. Wasn't crazy about Cosette's style of singing - reminded me of the old Walt Disney movies (Cinderella, Snow White).
Definately one I plan on seeing again.
Saw it on Friday. Loved it. Of course, I'm a huge fan of musicals and Les Mis the stage version is my favourite musical of all time. I thought they did an excellent job of translating it to the big screen, something that doesn't always happen.
My daughter sobbed through the whole thing. I managed to hold off until they started to sing "Red and Black", then Little people, Can you hear the people sing.... by that time I was sobbing, too. All these young people with so much passion fighting to change the world against impossible odds. I found that aspect of the story the most moving.
Russel Crowe was tolerable, but just barely. The part I was not really crazy about was Master of the House. I guess they needed to showcase the comedic talents of two of the box office draws (Helena Bonham Carter and Sacha Baron Cohen), but it kind of ruined one of my favourite numbers for me. Hugh Jackman was excellent, as was Samantha Barks (Eponine). I also loved the kid playing Gavroche. Wasn't crazy about Cosette's style of singing - reminded me of the old Walt Disney movies (Cinderella, Snow White).
Definately one I plan on seeing again.
oops. Now How did I manage that? LOL
Amelia Ashton
(Spoiler alert for those who haven't seen it)
Gavroche's death in this film was the most dramatic and the posthumous medal the most poignant of all. I sobbed at that.
This Eponine was the best of all of them. I actually felt her pain for her unrequited love for Marius which I didn't in any of the others.
Master Of The House. I love HBC and SBC but SBC's singing was not the best. If I didn't know the words of the song off by heart already I don't know that I would have understood him clearly enough to get the comedy in the song but he played the character very well. The most despicable and sly of all previous "Masters" I have seen. Excellent.
For all the criticisms it is now my most favourite film.
I watched Argo over the weekend. That was good too. Going to watch Life Of Pi next weekend.
I have all the songs stuck in my head at once. It is interesting how all the melodies are related, somehow. Maybe someone with more musical knowledge knows what its called- its like any melody in les mis contains the other ones.