I've been waiting for someone to post this story. Five bullets almost weren't enough to save herself and her two children. Wonder what would have happened if there had been two (or more) intruders? Wonder how many more stories there are like this that barely make the news? Do you think they should outlaw crowbars?
Georgia mom shoots home intruder five times
by Bonnie_Clyde 112 Replies latest jw friends
Waiting for one of our resident firearms genius gun haters to complain about "overkill" from her shooting him too many times.
Or these examples:
"How dare she have those dangerous guns around children!"
"Who NEEDS firearms?" (one of my favorites)
"Anyone who needs guns is a DICKLESS MORON!"
Wow, assuming she has kids or others in her house that whacko potentially would have gunned her down and everyone else after he got what he came for. So she defended herself and potentially decreased U.S. gun fatalities by killing the one whacko, instead of allowing her and the members of her house to be gunned down. I'm good with one less whacko in the world, thanks for sharing.
Police in my neck of the woods take 12-45 minutes to arrive for a 911 home invasion call. We had a couple of Elderly people shoot intruders a couple of months ago. The entire incident was recorded by the 911 operator 22 minutes before the police arrived...to collect the guy's body.
FIVE hits with a .38 and he survived?
More target practice?
(Watch. . . he'll sue them!)
Georgia mom shoots home intruder five times
And? -
Why only 5??
Waiting for one of our resident firearms genius gun haters to complain about "overkill" from her shooting him too many times.
Or these examples:
"How dare she have those dangerous guns around children!"
"Who NEEDS firearms?" (one of my favorites)
"Anyone who needs guns is a DICKLESS MORON!"
What a load of crap. You do realise there are plenty of countries that dont have guns and everyone does just fine. THey also dont have mass rampages where a gun nut shoots everyone.
Just saying.
Satanus, she had 6 bullets in the gun, one of them miss him and the rest hit him.
You mean countries like Norway, Finland, etc.? Or are you talking about wonderful places such as Mexico? Everybody gets along "just peachy" down in Mexico don't they? I'm to understand that all disagreements in Mexico are settled by a tamale eating contest. Sounds like Utopia to me! Let's all move down there!
The emptiness of your comments is topped off by your last lil' bit "Just Saying". I usually equate that with those I meet who when confronted by something that perturbs them respond with..."Really?" They also usually have multiple "duckface" pics on all of their mobile devices.