Weird "new world" artwork from the 2013 calendar

by cedars 147 Replies latest jw friends


    There are no Tides in the New system..

    Build on a small rock shelf,right on the water!


    ....................................... mutley-ani1.gif...OUTLAW


    In the New System..

    The Resurrected will Arrive in SailBoats!..


    ...................................... mutley-ani1.gif...OUTLAW


    God is Finished Eating..

    Jesus gives him a ToothPick..


    ..................................... mutley-ani1.gif...OUTLAW

  • cedars

    OUTLAW - I wondered what the sailboats were for in the picture, and you've just explained it to me! It makes perfect sense that a resurrectee, newly materialized in the middle of nowhere, will need to be transported to where the rest of his family is living. And don't forget, in the new system everyone will live only a stone's throw away from a large lake or sea, so sailboats will be THE way to get around. Ferarri's like James Woods' will become obsolete - no more gas to fuel them (the last remaining oil reserves will be used to operate the JCBs and make hard hats).



    Good Morning Cedars!..

    Good thread..

    The pics for the WBT$ Calander are WatchTarded..

    They defy common sense..

    Not one of them is realistic,they`re all laughable..

    Hanging a WBT$ Calander in your home..

    Would tell Guests a Great Deal about You..

    ......................... mutley-ani1.gif...OUTLAW

  • j dubb
    j dubb

    In the new world everyone will have present day north American sensibilities of modesty when swimming in the ocean, not that of any other culture or time period. Down to the long legged board 'shorts' being worn for men and no adult women being shown swimming, so I guess they didn't want to comment on new world women's swimsuit fashion.

  • innerpeace

    Lmao at Cofty's post, esp the toucan.

  • ambersun

    I was talking to a JW the other day and the conversation turned to the extremes in weather, as some parts of the world are experiencing blizzards while others are coping with heatwaves and forest fires. She told me it be lovely when that won't happen any more (no more extremes in temperature).

    I was puzzled until I saw these pictures, she obviously has this calendar on her wall and believes that in the New System everwhere will be one nice tropical temperature wherever you live on the earth. After all, the GB in their wisdom have chosen not to show any nasty snow or ice anywhere.

    All I can say is, poor polar bears and poor penguins

  • cedars

    Great point ambersun - why can't we see paradise pictures depicting all the disenfranchised polar bears, penguins and walruses?


  • jgnat

    NOW I KNOW why I thought the JW calendar is cheap. Not only is it under-sized, but it only gives you 6 pictures instead of 12.

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