*** w10 5/15 p. 14 par. 11 Women, Why Submit to Headship? ***
Just think of the great honor that 144,000 individuals have in being kings and priests in heaven under Christ when he rules over this earth! That number includes women. (Gal. 3:26-29)
*** w64 3/15 p. 180 par. 9 The Privileges of the Christian Woman ***
Some women were now in line to become kings and priests and reign with Christ Jesus along with the rest of the 144,000 Kingdom associates. This, however, would not be as women, but as glorious spirit creatures in the heavens. (Rom. 8:16, 17; Rev. 20:6; 14:1)
*** it-2 p. 1196 Woman ***
For those called by God to the heavenly calling (Heb 3:1) to be joint heirs with Jesus Christ, there is no distinction between men and women in a spiritual sense. The apostle writes: “You are all, in fact, sons of God through your faith in Christ . . . there is neither male nor female; for you are all one person in union with Christ Jesus.” (Ga 3:26-28) These all must receive a change of nature at their resurrection, being made partakers together of “divine nature,” in which state none will be women, for there is no female sex among spirit creatures, sex being God’s means for reproduction of earthly creatures.—2Pe 1:4.
*** g 10/08 p. 25 What Is the Nature of God? ***
The Bible’s use of the designation “Father” helps us to understand that our Creator can be compared to a loving, protective, and caring human father. (Matthew 6:9) This does not mean that we are to view God, or even other spirit creatures in heaven, as being male or female. Gender, in the sense of sex, is not a characteristic of their nature. Interestingly, the Bible indicates that those who are called to be joint heirs with Christ in his heavenly Kingdom do not expect to retain their human gender when they are glorified as spirit sons of God. The apostle Paul reminded them that “there is neither male nor female” within their ranks when they become glorified spirit sons of God.