To VioletAnai

by Marilyn 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • VioletAnai

    I'm sorry that your family is shunning you Marilyn. They are missing out on a wonderful experience.

    My sister and I were disowned by our majoritly 'worldy' family after we came clean and said that granddad was touching us inappropriately...and they attacked my father and want nothing to do with us because we told the truth, and won't deny it.

    They just say he could never do something like that, he's a lovely man! DAH!!!!!!!!!!! He's got them well fooled now don't he!

    If my 'worldly' family can do that to us, that's lack of NATURAL AFFECTION - affection where it is supposed to be - in the home! You've just justified that argument, what with your families lack of it too! They would see there is more value in associating with you, then being worried about their spirituality! I'm sure they're big enough and ugly enough to handle that!

    So, in a bitter world, I find relief in a beautiful message of peace, security, no more pain and tears (the best bit) and life forever! What's wrong with that?

  • DakotaRed

    Violet, hurt comes with almost every aspect of life. I have been hurt and screwed over so many times it isn't funny. But, that's what I get for trying to always be a nice guy. I became a JW thinking that the hurt wouldn't be there. I was wrong.

    Not to discourage you, like I said, faith is too precious to leave up to others. But, the JWs ripped me to pieces and desecrated almost every value I hold true, many that I even found supported in the Watchtower. Yes, many in the world cause a lot of pain and hurt, but that doesn't condemn the entire world. My bitterness isn't directed at the entire Jehovah's Witness's, but at the Organization that spawned the people that took advantage of me and screwed me six ways to sunday. A lot is also directed at the individuals that did it to me.

    What hurts even more, today, is that becuase I choose to not remain a member of that religion, none will even talk to me, acknowledge me or anything else. But, they don't have a problem coming into my house and utilizing what I have and many things I had long before marrying a JW, as they all see fit. I also find it a bit distasteful that I am expected to leave the room, in my own house, because some elders come over to see the wife or her kids. In addition, mostly becuase of this misguided policy of shunning, my wife and I are seperating, after 8 years of marriage. Since I DA'd, they have little or nothing to do with me, but expect and demand that I work to pay the bills, feed them, all the rest, but refuse to even talk to me. The wife would, on rare occassion or if she felt like having sex.

    I cannot say that all halls are like that or encourage it, but the Organization does. Funny thing is, though, since I am an auto mechanic, I am expected to be at their beck and call when they have car problems, but afterwards, I get shunned.

    Sadly, I don't think you will escape being hurt by going back to the JWs. I hope that you don't, but life is life and people are people. There are a lot of good people within the JWs and many bad too. For me, I look at what the Org teaches. Theologically, I agree with much of what they teach. Doctrinally, I cannot take the controlling nature or the in house bickering over how to control coming from the elder bady.

    I sincerely pray that you don't have to go through what I did with them. For you and everyone else posting here, I only wish the best, be it in or out of the Org. I truly pray that all goes well for you. If not, you are always welcome here amongst friends.

    If God's Spirit is filling a Kingdom Hall, how is it that Satan can manuever the ones within that Kingdom Hall at the same time?

  • Marilyn

    DakotaRed, Yikes buddy it's time you started being head of your house! (play by their rules) I don't quite know your story but you sound like you are still new at this. You have to start being firm and assertive. Never, never leave the room or house to suit a visit from Witnesses. Just let them know from the outset that if they come in, they do so in your presence and at your invitation!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Also stop working on the cars of unappreciative JWs. Tell em' you'll fix their bombs but at the normal hourly rate with a 10% cut for friendship (that's a joke! - you should add 10% for their lack of friendship).

    I noticed your "trying to be a nice guy" comment, and I relate to it. You stay being a nice guy, but don't be a door mat. Be kind, be fair and honest but don't let these people walk all over you. DO YOU HEAR?

    Marilyn Btw, have you heard of The law of deminishing returns? Well after a few years of being treated (much) worse than the family dog, you eventually catch on that you are tired of this disparity and that in fact you are a much better person than any of them. When this proverbial penny drops, you will be more assertive. Least that's how it's been for me. I don't bow and scrape no more! :-)))))))))))))

  • Marilyn

    >>>>>>>>>>>>So, in a bitter world, I find relief in a beautiful message of peace, security, no more pain and tears (the best bit) and life forever! What's wrong with that?

    Dear Violet, What's wrong with it? It's a delusion. It's not real. It's like a fairy story. It's a game of let's pretend. IF you must play pretend, then why not choose a nice gentle religion with kind people in it that won't shun you if you look sidewards or question anything about it's teachings. You know beauty is in the eye of the beholder? You want this to be true and if you really are that desperate to believe in it then I guess you should. My heart really goes out to you. You seem way too nice to be screwed yet again. Please know that it's only out of concern for you that some of us here are putting you thru all these intellectual hoops. We want you to stop and think and think again and just when you think you are done with thinking, guess what? Think some more!!!

    warm thoughts
    ps I live in Melbourne if that's any use to you.

  • DakotaRed

    No worries, Marilyn. Why do you think the wife and I are separated? I stopped doing favors for dubs a long time ago, but that doesn't stop their hypocritical approach to try to get me to. I refer them all to the dealership I work at and they pay $77 an hour like anyone else.

    Just becuase I am expected to leave the room doesn't mean I do. I do not cater to them and have let them know they are not welcome in this house, until they can show civility and cordiality to me.

    The wife carried the attitude that I knew what I was asking for when I DA'd. The shunning doesn't really bother me, except for when they would come ito my house and use me, then shun me here. That is why a notice went up on my door for them to just turn around and leave. Pissed everybody off.

    So, tonight, the wife announced they were leaving as the marriage just wasn't working out. Being the Gentleman I am, I held the door open for her and the kids so it wouldn't slap them on the ass on the way out.

    What I listed above is but a small incling of what I endued at the hands of the JWs and I have fought it every step of the way, until I just got tired of the whole mess and DA'd. I never just took their crap, just got sick and tired of fighting it all the time.

    If the wife and her kids feel they too must shun me, then we don't need to be married any longer. My "worldly" daughters are happy to see us split as they want to see the stress taken out of my life. Although not totally eliminated, I feel about 80% of it gone already and they have only been gone for about six hours.

    If God's Spirit is filling a Kingdom Hall, how is it that Satan can manuever the ones within that Kingdom Hall at the same time?

  • Marilyn

    DakotaRed, Six hours huh? I didn't understand all of your post obviously.

    Normally I'd say how sad it is that a marriage has bit the dust. But in your case I think congratuations are in order. You don't have to tell me about JW troubles. Been there done that and then some. I hope that you enjoy a well earned rest and that eventually you meet a wonderful soul mate and enjoy a true friendship with someone normal!

    warm thoughts and wishes for the rest of your life!

  • avengers
    I came here because I was curious as to what ex-jw's had to say. I felt surely they couldn't be as bitter and twisted as the society makes them out to be...sadly, some are

    Who's twisted? Theocratic War Strategy that's twisted. Anyway, how would they know they're not even supposed to be at this board.
    And if I am bitter, shouldn't they help me instead of pushing me away and condemning me to the lake of fire. this is loving?
    Wake up.

  • plmkrzy


    Nothing but the best of luck to you in what ever your decission is.

  • ozziepost

    An ideal world doesn't exist, Violet. Not as a JW nor as something else.

    I think you should be looking at teachings of the WTS as much as the actions of dubs.

    But either way, I think you'll be back!


    "If our hopes for peace are placed in the hands of imperfect people, they are bound to evaporate."

    - Ron Hutchcraft Surviving the Storms of Stress

  • teejay


    I must say... your words call to mind the mournful sound of the whistle of a midnight train in the distance... calling out to anyone... and no one...

    ... like the sound of a wolf on a still night.

    Very sad, but powerful just the same. There is a lot of iron in your words. I relate to everything you said about your current ordeal. I'm certain that many others do, too.

    You are a man of honor. I liked what you have said here.

    Btw, Violet,

    I have good vibes about you. You seem to have your head on straight. Your time out in the world will serve you well... whatever path you take. Whatever you do, as someone has already said, you are welcome at Simon's Place.

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