A year or so ago I bought three smurf dolls and a pack of tarot cards and brought them into my house. No paranormal activity. Maybe you'll have better luck.
An experiment: Open House for Demons
by return of parakeet 119 Replies latest social entertainment
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return of parakeet
Good suggestion, perfect1. But I prefer "The Exorcist" to set the right mood for polite demon company.
breakfast of champions
Interesting. . . Several months ago, I had a conversation with a "fringe-y" dub friend of mine who admitted that a demon encounter would be the most faith strengthening experience that exists.
return of parakeet
breakfast of champions:
Interesting. . . Several months ago, I had a conversation with a "fringe-y" dub friend of mine who admitted that a demon encounter would be the most faith strengthening experience that exists.
I disagree. Wouldn't an encounter with God (I mean a direct encounter; not the weirdy, unprovable, religious type of encounter) be the most convincing? If the demons don't want to visit, I'm going to call God out. Yeah, I'm talking to you, God! You'd better not run!
Band on the Run
This is tres amusing. The Witnesses scared me out of my wits so I don't have the courage to try. Once when I was ill, a friend on staff at an Anglican Cathedral told me about a faith healer who was not too tacky. There was doubt as to her effectiveness. I prayed for God to let me less rigid. Also, I discussed with priests who did therapy what might happen. I was not afraid of the faith healer as much as my reaction to what I was told Satan personified and demonic.
I was shocked at how upscale the crowd was. 1/3 of people present in their 20s and 30s had terminal cancer. My impressioin was that the faith healer would not hurt a fly. So my friend, my mom, and I went up at the end. There were about 20 people in line for healing. Everyone felt back as she stretched out her arms and declared the demon dead. I am begging myself to fall back. Qualified people told me the worse that could happen was that I would enter a small trance state. I felt nothing when she came to me. She responded by pushing out her arm more and raising her arm more. "I slay you in the Holy Spirit." After five attempts she moved on to my mom, no response. Next, she went to my friend, no response.
I joked that we were in the right faith for us and that we were Holy Spirit rejects. Of course, I did not examine the books but it was different from what I saw on Elmer Gantry and other films.
I was able to hear the Stones perform "Sympathy for the Devil," shortly before Atlamount. If the demons appear, can you take a cell phone picture and share. Altho I could not sleep nights fearing demons, I have yet to see one. If I find out that a friend has a ouija board, I leave. I am proud that I am now watching old Hitchcock episodes on cable tv. When the music from Twilight Zone would come on, I never moved so fast to change the channel.
dazed but not confused
This may help...
dazed but not confused
I thought about doing something similar. I may play with a Ouija board one day, just for fun.
Please.. dont ridicule what you dont understand.
Just because some cults bandy the term around to justify themselves does not mean they dont exist.
If you really wanna, why not find some ouija operators and envite them to do stuff in the house? Also, i have heard that torture and murder on the premises can lead to posession of those premises. Otherwise, you're just spoofing.