Cantleave have you ever seen a ghost
An experiment: Open House for Demons
by return of parakeet 119 Replies latest social entertainment
aguest are you saying by your defintion you commincate with demons?
return of parakeet
Also, you cannot "contract" a demon simply by inviting one. Although your mouth may say "come," your heart/mind/spirit may not be (as) open as you think.... their hearts/minds/spirit don't permit it - such are not "prepared"... meaning, clean enough... for such to occur. One must first cleanse the INSIDE of the cup - of hatred, hypocrisies, jealousies, envies, murders, adulteries... what have you).
Do you mean I'm not "clean" enough to have a demon in my house?
Thanks a lot, Shelby.
Cantleave have you ever seen a ghost
I saw an aparition as a little boy. I believed it was something supernatural right up to the time I was an enlightened adult. Now I understand more about the way our brains have evolved I KNOW it was not a "ghost" but rather something that was imagined as part of my "flight or fight" response.
Possession video. Horrific.
Mature content, only view if over 18.
good for you Cantleave I have to disagree with you
Amelia Ashton
As a child I saw ghosts (dead people who used to live in our very old house) and was able to move objects with my mind. My bed levitated and I saw demons amd God!
I had a very vivid imagination!
Splash that was hilarious! Love the speel at the beginning.
Ucantnome - You should know by now that I will follow the evidence, if you have any please share. Just because you believe something doesn't make it right......
Cantleave you and me are very different. You were an elder I wasn't.