be careful
An experiment: Open House for Demons
by return of parakeet 119 Replies latest social entertainment
I did the out of body experience following Professor Richard Wiseman's instructions and went all the way to my kitchen whilst lying on my bed more than 20 feet away. So cool!
Sounds convenient. Next time you forget your shopping list at the grocery store you should try checking the contents of your kitchen remotely and see what you need.
Just because some cults bandy the term around to justify themselves does not mean they dont exist.
Beer fairies?
troubled mind
I love that Godsmack song ! We saw them in concert a few years ago and they played it ,it was fantastic .
I was raised on demon stories too . Return of Parakeet good luck with the experiment . Try putting out Sinful Delight coffee and Devils food cake .....or better yet open your mind with a bit of tequila that may get you seeing things . Just trying to be helpful
I once (well, several times) had the windows of my Corvair fog up back when I was a young witness boy.
It slowly went away when I turned on the defroster, but it did not go away any faster if I said the name "Jehovah".
Does that count?
try astral travel - you might enjoy it. Some people do this and find it as fun as the online games about fighting dragons and monsters. In astral travel you will be doing this yourself. I got a tape ( it was a few yrs ago) once and did this. It worked the first time. I think some folks are open to the presence of these entities and others not. they may also have no interest in you. Happy trails.
I feel a bit cheated, so there is not enough demons to around, that means some people a getting a full personal demon assigned with all the trimmings to them, while billions miss out, seems so unfair.
I haven't been a Witness for years and I'm certainly not a Christian, but Ouija Boards still scare the heck out of me...
Amelia Ashton
Next time you forget your shopping list at the grocery store you should try checking the contents of your kitchen remotely and see what you need.
No need. Derren Brown teaches you how to never forget a single item from your shopping list ever again in his book Tricks Of The Mind :)
Amelia Ashton
How do you explain the movement of the glass on the Ouija board? If its not spirits, then what is it?