wait a second -- "what i promised you" -- was that the bit about running people off the board if they wrote things aguests didnt like or is it something else?
The Stone the Builders Rejected
by sabastious 312 Replies latest watchtower bible
Cofty, I can only speak for me, I am just so shocked that you would include my name as one who would 'pray for your demise and eternal torment'.
To attribute this to me without foundation based on our differing views on an Internet forum? I actually was going to post earlier that I didn't believe that you're a hate filled person, I think you can say hateful things, but that's quite different. On other topics aside from our beliefs/nonbeliefs I have found you to be helpful and kind. I thought I'd read the whole lengthened thread before posting and then found this. I don't want to drag it out, I just want you to know how very upset I am.
Loz x
Cofty, on page 9 of this thread you made an unwarranted and totally untrue accusation. A completely libellous statement, I replied, quoting your post, at the top of page 13. Loz also quoted it on page 14, and told you she was very upset.
I had expected that you would by now have seen your mistake, and both retracted that statement, and apologised. I don't see it. Please do both retract and apologise for such a completely erroneous and unwarranted false statement.
I don't see it. Please do both retract and apologise for such a completely erroneous and unwarranted false statement.
Can we expect the same for libelous statements and threats of violence from the theists?
Each person responds and posts for themselves, EP. I do not write for any group. I have done nothing to warrant that accusation, and never would. I suspect the same is true of the others named. Thus your statement seems to me to have no meaning in this context.
Complaints should be taken to the owners and mods via pm. Fighting it out here doesn't do much of anything other than keeping the mess going.
Ah, so you claim you don't know what I am talking about but you suspect everyone is innocent.
That kind of meaningless auto-defense double-speak is merely contributing to the problem. You have made your share of horrible comments and name calling to other others. I am sure that if you are willing to apologize for them, some others that you have a problem with would also be willing.
Are you game?
Absolutely, Mrs J. I agree.
But it is still reasonable and civilised to give someone like Cofty the chance to put it right.
With EP one merely seeks clarification since the apparently pithy response so often says disappointingly little.
I have made it perfectly clear what I am saying. The only person who expressed a desire to pray for my demise is Strypes. The group I mentioned take a similar attitude to ex-christians that JWs take to apostates. Some are more vocal about it, others cheer on the spokespersons. I have been condemned to eternal judgement more times than I can count.
If I have misjudged anybody I apologise. Rightly or wrongly it will take time to change perceptions.
With EP one merely seeks clarification since the apparently pithy response so often says disappointingly little.
Brevity is the soul of wit.
In any event, since you seek apologies, are you also willing to give them? I have, many others are not, on both sides. Others, instead of an apology or even a simple refusal, double down on the insults. It will take pressure from peers to change behavior. I am asking if you are willing to do as you ask and if you are willing to try to change behaviors.
Complaints should be taken to the owners and mods via pm. Fighting it out here doesn't do much of anything other than keeping the mess going.
Agreed. We can also influence each other, though, in our own camps, to change behavior. It only works when both sides are willing and WANT the behaviors to change, though. A olive branch has been extended, let's see if it's accepted.