The best advice I've ever heard on this board on how to handle "pop-ins" was to step outside to talk to who ever was so rude to pop over without calling first. You don't have to let rude folks into your home.
The "Pop-In"
by Mr. Falcon 80 Replies latest jw experiences
Mr. Falcon
Finklestein - I was thinking the same thing actually. They feel "enabled" to "exercise authority" because of some BS somebody told them. Therefore, in their minds they have a "warrent" to enter and search the premises whenever they see fit.
wasblind - It's strange, they will go sometimes an entire YEAR without showing up and then BAM! out of nowhere they want to talk. SBC is doing well, I was just sexting him the other day. Just kidding, I will tell him you said hello. Or... I'll give you his address and you and me will "pop-in" hahaha I slay me.
rip van winkle - I am seriously considering adopting your strategy.
Mr. Falcon
The best advice I've ever heard on this board on how to handle "pop-ins" was to step outside to talk to who ever was so rude to pop over without calling first. You don't have to let rude folks into your home.
Brilliant, MrsJones! Plus it was snowing with -10 degree wind chills. That would've drove home the point!
I like rip's advice too. A mindfuck would be to look out the window and stare.
LOL @ Josie
Yan Bibiyan
What rip van winkle said^^^^^^^
Yet, the bozo that tried to indoctrinate me few yeas ago, keeps showing up unanounced (and standing at the door) time after time....doesn't it dawn on him to maybe call ahead next time (he still has my phone number)...
Mr. Falcon
pathetic. just so damn pathetic to keep showing up like a lost puppy and expect people to feed you and take you in. "Hey, I don't care that this is an inconvient time for you, I want to talk about the Watchtower NOW!"
My sister inlaw & husband pop-in after their evening meeting and my wife was having a bath and me shaving. Our door wasn't locked and they just walk in. Well I walk out of the washroom half naked and their both siting at the kitchen table. Surprise! But that's famiy for you, no privacy in my own home.
Actually, I do have non-jw friends that occassionally stop in unannounced, esp. in the Summer. I'm fine with it most of the time, glad they feel comfortable enough with me to want to drop in. Jw's are another matter, but they stop by so rarely, and I never let them in. Just politely tell them I'm busy. But there is still a jw couple who will stop by my house to use the bathroom, even tho I DA'd last year. I'm wondering if there was no announcement made, or if they missed it? I kind of wish they would not stop by anymore to use my bathroom.
"Da bathrooms broke, we done gotta whopper log stuck down there" should put them off.