The "Pop-In"

by Mr. Falcon 80 Replies latest jw experiences

  • MrFreeze

    Hate the "pop-in." I was still living at home when I stopped going to meetings so I'd be up in my room having minding my own business and all the sudden I'd hear a knock on my bedroom door and there a brother would be.

  • Defianttruth

    That's some funny stuff. I live in a community with a gate on it for a reason. I don't have to worry about mormons, J dubs, steak salesman, insurance salesman, or any of the other. If I see they got past the guard, I always tell them I've already called the Sheriff, this is a private community and get out. They all like to say they can be here legally, but that is not the case. I can't wait until a J dub does get past the gaurd. I will have them arrested. Guess who's president of this HOA. I'll let the rest leave in peace.

  • grumblecakes

    i think the element of surprise is either because

    A. you cant make up an excuse not to be home


    B. they werent really planning on taking an interest in you but it CO visit and they made a last minute decision to stop on by.

    but then im a Lowly, stupid sister" how could i possibly comprehend that business.

  • smiddy

    Let`s face it , we were an arrogant bunch , if we wanted a break in the D2D fs , call in on bro or sist week (uninvited ) so we could sit down get a cup of coffee and still count the time . My apologies to all those I took advantage of .


  • tenyearsafter

    I would love to have a "pop-in". I have been out since 1995, and I have yet to have an elder visit or even a regular FS call. I moved last year to a rural area with no gates or other restrictions to access, and I still have yet to see anyone door to door. When I was in, we were covering the territory monthly, so I am at a loss as to why I haven't seen anyone in the last 18 years! It would just be interesting to see if sheparding or D2D techniques have changed since I was leading the charge. Based on other's experiences here, maybe I have been blessed!

  • Mr. Falcon
    Mr. Falcon

    Damn. people walking in to blow your bathroom up, see you in your underwear, screaming your name outside your door, asking your neighbors about you..... what a strange, strange mentality the Watchtower breeds in folks.

    By the way, tenyearsafter, I've only been out a little over a year now, but I was a heavily used MS. It still amazes me to this day how abrupt and fast the "love" dries up when you stop going. Almost makes a person wonder if it was real "brotherly love" in the first place.....

  • joyfulfader

    I was a pioneer until about 6 months before I stopped going. Except for one elder, never heard from anyone again. Nothing. Pioneered for 7 years. Hosted baby and wedding showers galore. Used my home for tons of gatherings. Then nothing. Really happy actually that they don't care. Makes ignoring them in public super easy.

  • Mr. Falcon
    Mr. Falcon
    I was a pioneer until about 6 months before I stopped going. Except for one elder, never heard from anyone again. Nothing. Pioneered for 7 years. Hosted baby and wedding showers galore. Used my home for tons of gatherings. Then nothing. Really happy actually that they don't care. Makes ignoring them in public super easy.

    Well said, joyfulfader. They use you up, and when you've had enough and don't want no more of what they're selling, they just pack up and move on to the next sucker to leech off of.

  • ndmom73

    I was talking to my mom about this and she recalled once going out to run an errand. When she came home she found witnesses in our home, using the restroom and helping themselves to beverages. Apparently she forgot to lock the door on her way out. I would have freaked out and I asked her how she felt. She said at the time she didn't think anything of it, she was just glad the house/bathroom were clean. Crazy the things that you take as normal after years of being told it is so.

  • Big Mama
    Big Mama

    The last time they popped in on me was with an answer letter from the WTB&TS regarding my Q: "Were the Witnesses ever tied up with the U.N."........funny thing tho; they told me they had the reply to my inquiry, but they wouldn't let me see it, give me a copy of it, let me read it, read it to me, or otherwise prove to me they had anything except instructions to come to my door and, apparently, irritate me. "It just says they wanted access to the U.N. library'...say they. "Give me the letter"say I. "Nah, this would isn't anything the Society would want posted on the internet" say they. "Duh, isn't that a clue?? Did you just come here to spit in my face and slap me?" say I. "I welcome you to go now, and don't even think about coming back with out my invitation to do so, you or any of your sort." say I. They haven't come back since. I have posted 'private property' and 'no tresspassing' sign to assure them I'm serious....and if they do show up, I may very well call the cops on 'em. Idiots.

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