The "Pop-In"
by Mr. Falcon 80 Replies latest jw experiences
If the elders did that to me, they would be told to go away and stay away, plain and simple.
eva luna
I had a pop-in by 2 elders . I saw them from an upstairs window, so I didnt answer.
A week later I got a call about having a Christmas tree in my living room.
I laughed , saying it was a ficus with lights.
They had to look into my windows to see my houseplant.
I laughed , saying it was a ficus with lights.
They had to look into my windows to see my houseplant.
Wow. What knuckleheads. Let's not even get into the subject of Witnesses looking in windows... but we know they get plenty of practice at that while in service!
Open mind
We switched congregations 2-3 years ago so now it's a bit of a drive for our assigned illdoers to "shepherd" us. In fact we didn't get a "pop-in" until a couple weeks ago. It was a Saturday morning about 10:30 am. Our Service Group Overseer probably was odd man out for service groups. Anyway, it was pretty obvious we were home. All vehicles present. Dog was barking up a storm.
One look through the peep hole was all the SGO got from me. I just let him twist in the wind out there. He rings the bell 2-3 times. Then the persistent little mofo decided to call my cell phone! I was pretty sure he could hear it ringing from where he was standing.
He sent me an e-mail a day or two later. I responded to it a couple days later thanking him for his visit, but letting him know that it's best to call first. You never know when it might be a "bad time" for us and it's a shame for him to drive all that way.
'I responded to it a couple days later thanking him for his visit, but letting him know that it's best to call first. You never know when it might be a "bad time" for us and it's a shame for him to drive all that way.'
Love that response. Love how you left him outside your door like that, too. Thumbs up.
Aunt Fancy
We just had two in one week because the CO was there for a visit, we didn't answer the door either time. It drives me nuts that they come by only when he is in town. It really shows how much they truly care, not!!
Aunt Fancy
We had a elder and his wife pop in awhile ago and the person knows our garage door code and they opened up the door and started to open up the door into the house when my husband went to the door to see what is going on. They were coming into our house because they wanted to use the bathroom and drop off magazines! We were not happy about it so the next week he shut the power off the doors so they couldn't get in. To me this was really rude coming into someone's unannounced.
As a never have been and never will be JW, I find these pop ins shocking and appaulling. My husband has recently been lured back into this cult, much to my chagrin, and nobody has come to the door since they "nabbed" him. He has not been going that regularly so I have been expecting and almost hoping that they will stop by. It would be ideal if they stopped by when he wasn't home, which is frequently, as he works out of town. I would love to see them walk into this house uninvited as I would love the opportunity to call the police. The only JW allowed in this house when I am home is my husband. I assume that they don't stop by because of his "worldly" wife.
I assume that they don't stop by because of his "worldly" wife.
Yes, that's probably it. But also, the pop-ins where the JWs actually let themselves into someone's home are based on prior familiarity with that person's home (and a complete lack of understanding of the concept of boundaries, but anyway...). Witnesses are a bit like vampires in that respect; you have to be the one to invite them in the first time, but once they're across the threshold, the balance of power changes!