"Sybil" was supposedly a woman who suffered from multiple personality disorder, dear Nibs (peace to you!). Supposedly a victim of severe child abuse at the hands of her stepmother it was claimed that a "study" revealed that she had as many as 12 different "personalities." A moive about it came out in the 70's I think (maybe the 80s). My understanding is that recently it's was determined that the entire thing was hoax and "Sybil" never existed. OTWO offered it as an explanation for me. He does stuff like that from time to time... contrary to his public statements that he wouldn't. Ah, well... what can you do? Most people never REALLY change. I digress.
I told you I'd give you a "game" AGuest, next clue. Yehudah. "The words Jew (Yehudi in Hebrew) and Judaism (Yahadut) come from the name Judah, or Yehuda as it is pronounced in Hebrew."
Yes, I am familiar with all of those terms. I realize that folks today spell them with the "Y" (i.e., "Yehudim"... but my Lord transliterates the yodh as a "j". So, he would spell it "Jah' uDi"... "Jah' uDut"... and Judah as "Jah Uda".
Haven't you ever wondered why there were so many similar names in the scriptures? Like Yehoshaphat? (Iehoshaphat). There is a reason. He persevered it for people by giving them his name.
To be honest, I didn't. My early questions had to do with myself, my household, the WTBTS, the Bible, the anointing, what I was supposed to be "doing", others in my life, and things like that. Don't get me wrong: I had TONS of questions. But never about the similar names. I came to learn of that when my Lord revealed HIS name to me because, again, he said HIS name glorifies the FATHER'S name. After that initial period, I don't really ask many questions any more, per se. I learned that there really was no reason FOR me to ask... that all I needed to know would be given me "at the proper time," when HE chose. So I learned to trust him and go with what I had for the time, until more came. Wonderfully, more... MUCH more... has come ever since and pretty quickly.
Usually, the answer is provided before I can even fully bring up the question. Before I get 2-3 words in, he responds. Because, as he said, "The Father already KNOWS what [I] need... even before I ASK Him." And he has proven to me that that is absolutely true. So why ask/wonder? That means (to me) that the Father is withholding something from me that I should have. How can THAT be, though? If I should HAVE it, will I not RECEIVE it? So, I learned that the only thing I NEEDED to ask about... was as to the kingdom and IT'S righteousness... that IT be opened to me. And it was. Because... I asked.
How do you modify Yehoshua's name to fit his name with his Father's? I know you don't use Jesus (nor do I, unless using it for common understanding). That's what got me. Jehovah had nothing to do with Jesus. All meaning was lost. So much for "the name above every other name"?
I will respond to that by sharing with you what my Lord gave me as to the history of the Jewish language in this regard, for instance, in accordance with the name "Yehoshaphat." According to my Lord (sorry, but I can only state the truth) the accurate rendering of that name is "Jah'e Shua'Phat"... and means "JAH's Judgment Saves/is Salvation... "Salvation by JAH's Judgments." Similar to what you might state as "Yehoshuah" (Joshua)... which also an error (it is "Jah'eShua"... or even "Yah'eshua", if you prefer).
He said the prefix "Ye"... is actually, "JAH" (even "Yah", if you prefer, although that's not entire accurate) and that it got to "Ye"... when those scribes, who determined that God's name was too sacred to utter, let alone write, removed the "ah" sound. So, you sometimes see "Y'hoshaphat," "Y'hoshua," "Y'shua", and spellings like that. He said that some disagreed... and put the sound BACK (remember, no vowels)... but unfortunately, used the "eh" sound, rather than the "ah" sound (sort of like how some in this country say "car"... while in another area they say "cah"... but both mean an automobile). He said they did this initially by using the schwa ( ? )... again, because of the perception of the name being too sacred to write... and so you will see spellings such as:
Y ? hoshaphat, Y ? eShua, Y ? Shua, Y ? hoshua, etc.
He said that after that, folks who said the name was NOT to sacred to utter OR spell... "put it back"... but replaced the schwa with the letter "e", so that folks today THINK the sound is "Yeh"... when it is really "Yah"... and spelled (today, because the modern transliteration of the yodh is the letter "j", not "y")... "Jah."
So, starting with the name of the MOST Holy One of Israel... JAHVEH... which is taken from the spelling "JHVH" (and not "YHWH")... and means "JAH breathes ("veh") into existence armies (of spirit beings)/causes armies (of spirit beings) to come into existence (by His breath)"... my Lord's name... "JAH eShua"... which means "JAH Saves/Salvation of JAH"... glorifies the name of the Father. In that it itself, his name proclaims HIM (Jah'eShua) as the ONE by means of which the MOST Holy One of Israel, JaHVeH... saves. The One through WHOM the salvation of JAH comes. Which is why he said to the Jews that their house was abandoned to them... UNTIL they said "Blessed is HE... who comes in the NAME of God." That name... is JAH (of Armies).
I know you don't use Jesus (nor do I, unless using it for common understanding). That's what got me. Jehovah had nothing to do with Jesus. All meaning was lost. So much for "the name above every other name"?
Yes! And no, I can't use it. It sticks in my throat, now that I know the true name. I can barely utter it. It's like me calling someone named John... Justin. Just cause his name starts with a "J" and ends with an "n"... and I'm too lazy (and disrespectful) to find out... and/or use... his real name. I don't fault others for using it; that's between him and them. And I set it out between brackets when I come across it in verses (because he's often reading along so that I know what was TRULY written/meant... and HE won't say that name. Just silently skips over it. So...).
will you consider the write up I made long before I knew I'd meet you? Posted at least once above. (Seek Yehowah!)
I did, dear one. Indeed, I have read virtually every word you have posted since we've become acquainted here. I mean, what if I HAVE missed something? I am not so arrogant or self-assured that I won't even CONSIDER what someone else has to share on these matters. If it's TRUTH, then it's TRUTH... and that is all I am interested in: truth. The Truth that is Christ, as well as the truth that comes forth FROM him.
Then, will you please give me the gift of your response to that?
Of course, yes! I believe I did already, though, but perhaps on another thread. I will look for it and post the link. I'm sorry but you've posted in several places and so I might be accurately keeping up.
You're giving me your "what he told me", but that doesn't mean I can do anything with that. That means I have to take your word for it.
I'm sorry, dear one, but that's really all I CAN give you; I don't know ANY of these things on my own, truly. I only know them because he TELLS me them. I realize that some only want to hear what other "men" have to say on issues... but I truly don't know what other men say. I am not a scholar - I am just a servant... and so, rather than relying on my OWN understanding... or that of other humans... I rely on holy spirit and the anointing I received by means of that (1 John 2:26-29). I'm sorry, but that's truly all I have, dear one.
You do NOT, however, have to take MY word for it, indeed, for ANYTHING I share. I can only put it out there. You can CHOOSE to check it against whatever YOU wish/need to, whether that be what others say... or Christ himself says. My advice is always, ALWAYS to go to him and ask him for yourself. First, foremost, and always. I would give you the same advice: go to him, ask HIM... and then put faith in what HE tells you... if you can. If not... well, you could ASK for "more" faith, so that you can (hear/put faith in what you hear). But only you can decide whether to do that or not. I can't tell you... or anyone... what you MUST do.
I believe before our Father does anything he reveals it through his prophets,
Not any more, dear one. Ever since my Lord came in the flesh, the Father has been revealing things to His people through that One. First, when he was here... after that, through the spirit... holy spirit... the "oil of exultation"... that that One pours out. (Hebrews 1:1, 2; John 7:37-39; Acts 2:2-4, 17, 18).
and he has the word of God, and he gave us the Word of God to reinforce it.
I am not quite sure what you mean here. I perceive you mean the Bible and then Christ... or Christ and then the Bible. For me, it's just Christ, the Word of God (John 1:1, 14; 17:17; Hebrews 13:12; Revelation 19:13). I don't eheck what he/others tell me by the Bible; I check what the Bible states... and others tell me... by him, the Holy Spirit and Spirit of Truth (2 Corinthians 3:16; John 14:6, 23; Romans 8:9, 10; Proverbs 8:4-7). I only refer to the Bible for those who still need to see what I share "in writing"... because they are still walking by SIGHT... rather than by FAITH.
Those who walk by FAITH are those who are in the NEW Covenant, those for whom the following applies:
“The days are coming,” declares JaHVeH,
“when I will make a new covenant
with the people of Israel and with the people of Judah.It will not be like the covenant
I made with their ancestors when I took them by the hand
to lead them out of Egypt,
because they broke my covenant, though I was a husband to them,”
declares JaHVeH.
“This is the covenantI will make with the people of Israel
after that time,” declares JaHVeH.“I will put mylawin their minds
and write it on their hearts.
I will be their God, and they will be my people.
No longer will they teach their neighbor, or say to one another, ‘Know JaHVeH,’
because they will all know me,
from the least of them to the greatest,”
declares JaHVeH. “For I will forgive their wickedness and will remember their sins no more.” Jeremiah 31:31-34
And that's all I can tell you, dear one. This thing has occurred with me, literally, by means of the mediator OF that New Covenant, JAHESHUA, the Chosen One of JAH (MischaJah)... who is my Lord and Master... and the Son and Christ of the MOST Holy One of Israel, JAHVEH. My means of the spirit I received from that One... whose voice I hear... I know the few things I do. I hear them when he speaks them to me. I do not expect anyone to accept or agree with that truth... but it IS the truth.
I hope this helps and, again, peace to you!
YOUR servant, as I am servant to ALL those of the Household of God, Israel... and those who go with, and a doulos of Christ,