I know we have had discussions on here about this topic in the past. My elderly father died some time ago. When it came to his memorial service I asked if I could put together a video tribute to him. The answer was that they do not allow personal tributes or translated "Big Brother" does not approve of anything that has not being approved by them. I guess that will take away from their 30 minutes of a preach fest. Is a memorial service supposed to be about the person? I just think it is just a cheap tactic to use this time of grief to try and win converts to their cult.
My Fathers Memorial Service
by William Penwell 35 Replies latest jw experiences
Hi William Penwell, I believe that memorial services should be about the person, who passes, and help the people who are still living come to terms with their passing.
The WTBTS likes to use memorials as an informercial to recruit new members and remind JWs how important it is to serve the WTBTS.
Peace be with you and everyone, who you love,
William Penwell
Although I don't like it when they do this at weddings but I can accept that more than them taking advantage of peoples vulnerable state of mind in their time of grief. It is the lowest of the low and here I always thought undertakers were pretty low.
William Penwell
Also I was asked to do the write up in the newspaper obituary and I wanted to say "celebration of my -------- life" and was told that was not approved by the WTS. I don't give a rats a$$ what they are celebrating or trying to push I am celebrating my fathers life.
The memorial service is not about your father. If you are lucky it will be given by an elder who knew him well and is willing to talk about him as a person. However the memorial service is just an excuse for them to preach their religion and the person is very much overlooked. The time is deliberately short to prevent the elder straying from the approved text.
If you wish to celebrate your father's life then do so but this cannot be achieved by a JW service.
My brother and I put together a CD with pictures of my mother from a baby on up along with big band music playing as the background. This was shown at the viewing and everyone remarked about how interesting and lovely it was. Of course, my mother was not a JW and none of the people at the viewing were, but it was not overdone -instead a real tribute to her as a person. I am so sorry that you could not do something similar for your father. B@$t@%d JWs......
William Penwell
I did one for him already and hopefully play it after the service. Just irritates me that you are not allowed to grieve and pay tributes in your own way. It should be what the family wants not what the WTS wants.
Here is a copy of the talk. It is a standard 30 minute talk. The first 7 minutes have personal information. The rest is beliefs and doctrines of the WT
I had to go to one recently. At the end visitors were "encouraged" to pick up their "free brochure" Hope for the Dead ? and be sure to ask if they had any questions.
Only the Elder is allowed on platform. No friends or family are allowed to comment or add anything to the program.
REMARKS REGARDING THE DECEASED (Use any that apply and are appropriate.)
Details regarding age, birth, when married, and so forth
By whom the deceased is survived
Dedication record, including privileges of service
Exemplary qualities displayed by the deceased (Eccl. 7:1)THE HOPE THE DECEASED ENTERTAINED
Worshiped Jehovah, the God of wisdom, justice, love, power
Had faith in Jesus Christ (Acts 4:12)
Appreciated God’s purpose regarding earth (Gen. 1:28)
Sure to be realized (Isa. 11:9; 55:10, 11; Rev. 21:4)
Why good people die
Disobedience of Adam (Gen. 3:19; contrast with Genesis 2:7.)
Offspring inherited death (Rom. 5:12)
Condition of the dead
Soul is mortal (Ezek. 18:4, 20)
Dead are unconscious (Ps. 146:4; Eccl. 3:19; 9:5, 10)
The resurrection hope
Made possible by sacrifice of Jesus Christ (Matt. 20:28)
Christ’s resurrection a guarantee (1 Cor. 15:22, 23)
God uses Jesus to raise the dead (John 5:28, 29)
For the anointed, resurrection is to heavenly life (1 Cor. 15:51-54; Rev. 20:4, 6)
“Other sheep” resurrected to life in earthly Paradise (Luke 23:43; John 10:16)
Armageddon survivors can hope to see the deceased one again soon
Others too are in line for resurrection (Acts 24:15)WHY IT IS GOOD TO GO TO HOUSE OF MOURNING
Can comfort the bereaved; loss is mutual
Take to heart uncertainty of life (Ps. 90:12; Eccl. 7:2)
Makes us think about how we are using our lifeHOW WE CAN BENEFIT FROM BEING HERE
While living, make good name with Jehovah God (Eccl. 7:1)
Lay up treasures in heaven (Matt. 6:19-21)
One way is to take zealous part in witness work, if qualified (Matt. 24:14; 28:19, 20)
In this way and by godly conduct, we contribute to sanctification of Jehovah’s name (Prov. 27:11)
Resurrection hope an incentive to learn and do divine will (1 Cor. 15:58)
(Note: Opening with prayer is optional. Instead of eulogizing the deceased, use the material in this
outline to give a fine witness concerning the truth. Good balance should be observed in this respect.
Doctrinal points can be presented as beliefs of the deceased, which served as motivation for him. Purpose
of talk is to uphold Jehovah God as a God of love and mercy and at the same time bring comfort to the
bereaved. Use of a song such as No. 111 is optional. A brief prayer at the close is fitting. When
arrangement is made to go to the grave, it is well to consider quite briefly the hope through the Kingdom,
reading one or two scriptures, such as Job 14:14, 15 and 1 Corinthians 15:54b-57. This service may also
be closed with prayer, thanking Jehovah for the resurrection hope, which is of great comfort. The talk
need not exceed 30 minutes.)
Funeral Discourse
S-32-E 2/112008Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania All Rights Reserved
The Watchtower is right.
The Bible does speak about them.
(Matthew 15:8, 9) . . .‘This people honors me with their lips, yet their heart is far removed from me. It is in vain that they keep worshiping me, because they teach commands of men as doctrines.’
I did one for him already and hopefully play it after the service
I doubt if that would be allowed at the KH. At the funeral I had to go to another hall was rented later where pictures and a brief video was shown.
Everyone brought food or goodies and spent the time remembering about the good times,happy times and also giving personal heartfelt condolances to the surviving mate. That was the TRUE memorial service.