Experimenting With New Ideas since leaving the WT

by lovelylil 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • lovelylil

    I have always been intrigued about why we dream and recently signed up for a course on dream interpretation. The course includes a great book written by Sigmund Freud.

    This would have been oh soo taboo if I was still in the borg. Probably would have been Df'd for it.

    Was wondering how many others out there have studied a subject or experimented with new ideas that "mother" would not have approved of since leaving the Org, and what you learned from it?

  • DesirousOfChange

    No. But I'm definitely trying out new things that I used to would have avoided on principle.


    JWs have crazy ideas on lots of things. Hypnotism. Aluminum. Make believe magic.

    Live a little!


  • Pickler

    Hey lovely lil, this is a nice topic.

    I have found yoga and I love it. Meditation as well. Witnesses didn't allow these, not that you would have had time for it anyway. But it when I got into meditation I realized that I had been doing this for my whole life, I just didn't realize it!

    In meetings I perfected the art of opting out mentally, I often got to the end of a meeting & couldnt remember anything that had been said.

    Yoga makes me feel so good, physically and mentally

  • lovelylil


    Yes Yoga is definately something frowned upon in the WT. I wanted to try it years ago because my doctor told me it would help with my migraines and arthritis but I was talked out of it by well meaning witnesses. I finally tried it a year ago and LOVE it! It is sooo relaxing. And it helps a lot with chronic pain.

  • Fernando

    A great many subjects and ideas.

    Learnt far more than I ever imagined possible for an ordinary person.

    1. The "unabridged gospel" and its many potential applications to solve problems including mental illness
    2. Transpersonal Psychology
    3. Preventive Medicine (Public Health)
    4. HR Change Management
    5. Religion as an enemy of God and man
  • lovelylil


    I am starting to believe in the Religion being an enemy of God. All religions are man made. Since leaving the WT I have been more focused on my spirituality and what makes me unique as an individual. I really have no desire to attend a church building although I am still a Christian, meaning I follow the teachings of Jesus Christ. (golden rule, love thy nieghbor, etc).

    I believe Jesus came to break down religion and religious barriers to God.

    Charles T. Russell had one thing right and it is my favorite quote "Religion is a snare and a racket".

  • Xanthippe

    Ho Lovelylil, I have done Buddhist meditation classes at a local library - very relaxing. I felt so physically relaxed afterward I could hardly move.

    Also I tried a workshop in transpersonal psychology which is based on Jungian principles and is a way to contact your unconscious mind and heal yourself. I really enjoyed it.

    Thanks for this topic, very interesting.

  • Xanthippe

    I meant to say Hi not Ho

  • OccupyJehovahsWitnesses

    Okay first off.... holy CRAP have I been out that long?? I didn't realize Witnesses frowned on Yoga.... um WTF? lol...wow. Soooo being more in touch and tuning the body "jehovah created for you" (I almost threw up a little in my mouth) while focusing on breathing in and appreciating this wonderous cosmos is somehow wrong?

    Alrighty then.

    Well I kind of took the approach of "proving" the witness points of view/teachings, without using any of their publications. I did my own independent research, and SHOKER, came to find out none of held up.

    And a big one was when I discovered the Nag Hammadi Library. And when I realized that some of those same scrolls that are in Nag Hammadi were found right along WITH the Dead Sea scrolls, I wanted to slap a lot of people lol.

    I'm sure many remember allllllll the fuss that was always made over the Dead Sea Scrolls in the witness community. How it was just such a testament to jehovah keeping his word flowing and in motion, proof that it is indeed his word, blah blah blah.

    Yeah, they didn't mention the OTHER scrolls that were found. And then the full library was discovered not far away.

    When you read the material, it paints a completely different picture of that time period. Then I read The Gnostic Gospels by Elaine Pagel. She really puts that whole period into perspective.

    Once I broadened my view from the watchtower and awake laddled maze with the promise of a big piece of cheese at the end, my whole world started to change.

    Regardless of any of that though, I say try EVERYTHING they told us not to ;)

  • lovelylil

    Yoga is supposed to be a false religion to the WT. I never understood that when I was in. Its just a way to excercise and relax to me. I've tried meditation too and surprisingly was not over taken by demons, LOL


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