Joining the NAVY
Experimenting With New Ideas since leaving the WT
by lovelylil 20 Replies latest jw friends
I am going to do Volunteer work - that should help me immensely
LOVELY LIL- I have been studying dreams for a long time. An excellent psychology book on the subject was written by Frederick Perls in the early 1970's titled " Gestalt Therapy Verbatim " in which he conducted dreamwork seminars at Esalen Institute in Big Sur, California on the Pacific coast. The basic theory in a nutshell of his was that we dream about unfinished situations in our lives which are staying in our subconscious minds as " gestalts " - or unfinished situations which we may ignore during wakeful hours, but come to the forefront when we sleep so we can process them and reintegrate into our personality. A theory I tend to agree with. If you get a chance, check the book out, it's fascinating. He got people to act out their dreams in the present tense, the here and now so they would own them more completely.
Personally, I have been getting better sleep since December of 2010 and I take 3 nights off a week from my nightime business - and I've kept a running journal of EVERY dream I've dremed since December 2010 ! I now have 236 pages of dreams since that time I've written about ! I probably average about 10 to 15 dreams per month that I write down in detail. A person can train themself to do it by keeping a pen and paper right next to your bed. And then immediately, before you do anything else, first thing after you wake up write the dream down, or it may recede from your memory and you forget it.
My dreams have definitely helped me deal with past JW issues and assisted me to reintegrate and own deep parts of my inner personality and being , some of which I lost, and some I never knew I had. It's been a really interesting, fun, and educational experience. Some people pass off dreams as not being important - but whether we admit it or not- they are part of our minds, body, and conscious being or they wouldn't happen. So we can learn from them I've found. So keep dreaming friend and have fun with it ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper
Lovelylil - I really love those good dreams! From flying with no gear, just willing it! sometimes up high to very low to the ground. A very memorable one was in a field of tall grass with my palms up and my head down being thankful...the inner peace was PHENOMENAL!!! and would that you know I've seen that field since then, only the grass was not as tall....hmmm. I hope its all possible as some say it is..FLIPPER- you never seem to amaze me Bro! Esalen at Big Sur!
OH the memories.......DREAM ON.......
Good on you - that sounds very exciting - I would love to do a course like that.
Since leaving silly rules behind I've volunteered, I'm starting uni this year & on occasion even worn skirts that end ABOVE THE KNEE.
Aussie Oz
getting back to the subject of dreams...
i wish there was a way to program what we will dream...or at least be able to record them for playback later!
Thanks everyone for the great comments!
Oz, I have been learning that you can in a way "program" what you dream. You can meditate on certain thoughts and train your mind to dream the types of dreams you want it too. Its called dream incubating.
For instance I will sometimes go to bed meditating about my mom who passed 12 years ago, and then I will see her in my dreams.
Dream interpretation is very ancient. Last night during my studies we talked about dreams written down on clay tablets found in Nineveh. Oh course since this was biblical it got my attention.
Many ancient people believed dreams where instructions or warnings from the Gods, and the Jews and early christians were no different either. Really opened my mind to things.
Anyway, I eventually want to learn how to help others interpret their dreams. I've been fascinated with this topic since I was very young. And I am happy to be able to now really have time and ability to study this topic. As well as other "taboo" to the Witnesses.
And yes I keep a dream journal too. Last night I actually had 3 seperate dreams. I find this to be very theraputic and helps with my PTSD.
LOVELYLIL- Cool ! You had 3 dreams last night ? Good for you. I wrote down two separate dreams myself this morning. I too have dreams where former friends who are dead come into my dreams and help me with situations or circumstamces in my dreams. It may very well be your mom is reaching out to you in your dreams Lil. I feel my deceased friends are quite possibly also
INSEARCHOFTRUTH4 - Thanks bro. I love me the dream world ! I've even written some songs I've gotten in dreams. That is a really cool experience ! WE'll have to chat soon sometime ! Hope all is well with you and the fam
I believe our dreams are just our subconscious, so I never really considered trying to understand our dreams as being wrong, even when I was a dub. I don't feel it has anything to do with spiritism or anything like that.
I was afraid to meditate though, and now I do it all the time. I have ADD, and it helps to calm down my busy brain and keep me more focused. Aamazingly, not once have I been attacked by demons, lol. I have found that when I meditate, I seem to have more vivid dreams, or maybe I just remember more of them. Instead of just being random and disjointed, my dreams seem to be more like a movie, with a beginning and an end and a plot that seems to tie it all together.
Good thread. BTTT, Peace out, Mr. Flipper