My Jw mother hates me and always has

by 20yearfader 31 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • nugget

    My mother has happily told most of us that we were accidents, she never wanted any of us after the first one and has always had a relationship on her terms. One of my sisters went to a therapist and they told her that she is not a bad person because she does not love our mum. Love is not a right and parents can not treat children badly and expect to be loved in return.

    I feel for you and your daughter.

  • usualusername


    I have sent you a PM.

  • MrFreeze

    No child deserves to be treated like that. I'm sorry your mother has no love in her heart.

  • carla

    I'm sorry your mother is the way she is and you had to endure her for so long. Why are you letting your own child be alone with her? Please protect your childs mental, physical and emotional health.

  • Pickler

    I'm sorry fader, you kind of sound like me and my mother. I have also been called emotionless and distant, but these are natural protections. When you are a kid you know if you are not loved. I hope your hurt can be eased by venting here

  • punkofnice

    Your mother is unworthy of you.

    So sorry for your predicament.

  • DesirousOfChange

    You have a "toxic parent".

    I do too, but not THAT bad.

    Your mother is mentally "ill".

    Likely from a dysfunctional, abusive home herself.

    Please read:


  • wasblind

    From readin' this thread, you came to the right place to vent

    As Jgnat said, " People who hate the innocent hate themselves"

    Also pointed out, by ArebolesArabia , Life ain't a T.V. sitcom

    I came from a broken home. The comfort that got me through

    was from the love of my mom

    It makes you wonder how can a mom claim to love a God

    she can't see, And don't have any for her own child

    The sad fact is, some folks are as qualified to be parents as they are brain surgeons


  • wasblind

    double post


  • Aunt Fancy
    Aunt Fancy

    Your story made my heart hurt. It is hard when you don't receive the love you need from a parent. You have to do what is best for you, your wife and daughter. I too would recommend therapy if you find it is hard to move on in your life. Hang in there!

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