Anyone can become a parent, but you need a license to own a dog.
I'm sorry you've been through such heartache.
by 20yearfader 31 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Anyone can become a parent, but you need a license to own a dog.
I'm sorry you've been through such heartache.
20yearfader, my heart hurts for you. I can't imagine having a parent so mean and unchristian. If you can, please try and get some counseling so you can get some healing and this does not affect your relationship as much with your own wife and child. And please don't allow your parents any more contact with your daughter. Your parents attitude about their own child is about as unscriptural as I can think of. The people on here care, and wish you well. Live a happy life with your own loving family.
All the best to you~
20 year fader, I was imagining your daughter was in her twenties. My toxic in-laws managed to sour their relationship with my daughter by also bringing her to tears. I did not have to say a word. She knew what was good, and their lies weren't it.
I'm sorry you suffered so long. Some parents are like that. It's dreadful for the kids and takes a long time for the kids to learn the parent is in the wrong, not the child.
You don't owe your parents anything. Turn your back and go find more loving friends.
Your mom is not normal, not even close. She didn't deserve you.
20YEARFADER- I'm so sorry you were treated so horridly by your JW mom. She is an inhumane individual with no conscience whatsoever. As one poster stated she is the one who is mentally off , not you. You have a good heart and hopefully you are able to get some help through professional counseling to deal with your deep pain. I would call your mother to task for her comments and tell her how it grossly offended your daughter.
Then work on your own little family's healing - you, your wife, your daughter - and stay away from destructive people like your mom. Your JW father apparently has no spine if he didn't call your mom to account for these slanderous , horrific statements. My wife and I send our love and hugs to you and hope you can heal. Take care, Sincerely, Mr. Flipper
No sane normal mother speaks of such intimate things with a 7 year old son.
She is and has always been sick and twisted. Take the Witchtower's advice and view her as a dangerous poisonous snake to be treated with great caution.
YOu dont need her. So stop giving her the opprtunity to hurt you again.
it has been said many many times on this board:
NEVER EVER - EVER leave your child alone with a Jehovah's Witness.
I think you should get therapy to help you get through this. Your mom tore up her mother card. She is a pathetic, sad individual, the hurtful words she says are showing you what she is like on the inside. Her religious beliefs which should help her be a loving person, instead gives her an excuse to be judgemental and cruel. I suggest you write a letter to her, telling her how her actions have hurt you, and that s you are firing her as your mom. You don't even need to send it, as it won't help her any, she is beyond help, but it might help you.
I am truly sorry for what your mother put you through. Read the book that some have brought out and consider the counselling. That wasn't just bad parenting on your mother's behalf. That was abuse. There is something truly wrong with anyone who says such things to their child.
Protect your daughter as well. No armageddon talk, no fear, no disgusting talk such as what she did with you as a child. I would not leave that woman alone with my child, ever.
You have great worth. To yourself, to your wife and friends, and especially to your daughter. Do not allow anyone to make you doubt this, not even yourself.
Love and peace and strength to you,