OUTLAW WHERE ARE YOU !!!!!!!!!!!!!
JW Standup Comedy Routine
by enigma1863 33 Replies latest watchtower bible
Dating and sex is a keeper. Having to have a chaperone at all times
This reminded me didnt they used to discourage playing chess for being to violent?
Seems like you ought to be able to work out something with a theocratic ministry school talk on masturbation, while working on "gestures".
Oh, and the old "Youth" book's claim that masturbation inevitably leads directly to homosexuality.
Amelia Ashton
You will soon have enough material to just do JW stuff like the guy who does mainly deaf stuff and is one of the funniest new comedians I have seen for ages.
He is so good deaf people go to watch him and he has a signer on stage with him. He signs his responses back to the deaf in the audience as well. It's a brilliant show.
Edited to add. It would be fantastic to have a famous standup known for being an exjw doing jw jokes.
sex is the great untapped comedy resource. i'm not a comedian but if i was, i would do an entire show just on the jws and sex, and about all the stories, and all the various things different elders have told me. the art of comedy is obviously to make someone or some thing look foolish, you can't get more foolish than listening to jw ideas on how sex is supposed to happen, or what is right and wrong etc. one thing that i love is the fact that missionary style sex is about the most wild and obnoxious sexual position anyone could EVER think up...and yet that is the one that they are ok with. i will spare details because i'm sure my posts on this bother some, but comeon just think about it a little bit, think about a spoon style sex position, this is basically a chaste sexual position....missionary is like the opposite of spoon position, yet that is what they think is the acceptable position why? there is just too much material.
Urban legends of demons, talking smurfs, ect...
We are the most knowledgeable people in the
world today, we are not boasting, it,s a fact. Ask
any JW. But we do have a hell of a time predicting the
end times, that,s not our fault, God keep sending mix
Non JW'S would laugh most at knocking on doors and Armageddon/Doomsday stuff. Maybe also focus on "you all remember that JW kid in school who didn't do stuff."
There are tons of one-liner jokes about them, like "There are seven million of these people 'WITNESSING' for Jehovah and I bet none of you knows 5 accurate things about them."
Amelia Ashton
The everchanging new light on blood fractions would be pretty funny too if people weren't dying from this evil practice. They thought transplants were cannabalism at one point and don't forget "miracle wheat"!
Pyramid Scheme
What is a JW's favorite band? The Doors
My JW friend tried to tell me a Knock Knock Joke......I just ignored him.
Why did the Mayans pick 2012? The WT took up all of the other years.
Masterbation can lead to Homosexuality - Your Youth 1976