This earthly TENT is changed to a MANSION ??
Sometimes I just feel like a naïve child. Actually I guess that doesn't quite express it, but is also true.
I've heard "exgensis" and other words you mentioned before, but they're not in my vocabulary yet.
If you can take me at my word, I'm just a kid who read the word and believed it was the Word and then believed to deny it was truth was to deny the Truth which was to deny the Christ. If you follow that and follow the capital and lower case letters (thank you for our language conventions for clarity!) I meant it as written. The key is figurative, literal, symbolic, and spiritual (not necessarily in that order).
I realized everyone spends so much time arguing about John 1:1 as the trinity and misses it's point. My Greek (former) roommate whose mother was a Trojan, and boy they were every bit of Greek as I never would have welcomed into my home had I known! (j/k, sort of) pointed out that Americans (he meant broader than that I'm sure) just don't know how the Greeks understand the verse. It reads as written without "a god" but they know what it means.
Meanwhile, we miss the point. The word was with God, and the word was God and the Word of God became flesh and lived among us. Now he's spirit... but where is he—in us.
I can't — I'm sorry. I have turned into an absolute child. I lost my daddy when I was three and spent my child hood acting as an adult. At 33 I've died to the world and am not going back. I'm a child. You can't take the Truth from me, and I believe every word he says.
Joyous tantrum aside, I'm expressing joy to you! I don't have a clue, my darling PT, what you're talking about. I know I've read all those keywords before, but since they aren't in the things I study (the books of scripture) I'm pretty much an idiot to what they mean... Should I go bother? (I ask sincerely.)
I'm not sure I want to be able to label things. I know what they mean. People just stopped respecting the word as truth. That the Word is Truth. They change it, say it means something different.
If I get confused now about a verse, I pop over to the interlinear immediately (online reading always though I now own a dozen translations) and you know what? It usually clears it up. Some guy usually change the word. Generally that's changing something regarding identity.
Don’t lie to one another, seeing that you have put off the old man with his doings, and have put on the new man, who is being renewed in knowledge after the image of his Creator, where there can’t be Hellene * and Jew, circumcision and uncircumcision, barbarian ?† , Scythian ‡ , bondservant, freeman; but Christ is all, and in all. Col 3:10,11
That verse above is from, my personal study bible. Yes, I mean mine. It's VERY much a work in progress. It's ASV/WEB because it was public domain, and then my word for word work as I research and hit areas. And I've just started recently. So the verses above are my research. I wondered what a Scythian was. I felt like it was vaguely familiar. I learned who they were, and also realized it was familiar because there's a king of the Scythian's in my (absolutely must be believe mythological!) family tree. But the point that I found funny and was only happy to have learned after I already had the foundation under my belt of Israel vs. Judah, and Israel as dispersed people that were never accounted for in the scriptures that I could tell... was that there they were! Hellene is a Jew (or person) who has adopted the Greek language, customs or culture, despite their roots (Greek Jew, Jewish Greek?), well, and suffice to say, that the whole list he gives could be simply just speaking to various people who were formerly of Israel as a once united, now nearly entirely dispersed nation. (I always have to be clear, even so, we're still a part of the new covenant, as all nations qualify; just interesting that his list shows that there were Ephraim and Judah still to that day fighting against each other like brothers. (That is a verse much earlier in scripture which I didn't know where it applied until here...)
You said something about seeming to look for a list of topics to be correct—not sure what you mean, but no.
Right now I'm looking for friends. I want to talk about the scriptures, but not here on this forum. I want to really talk about them. To me it's a book—Genesis to Revelation. I agree with Band on the Run, it really can't be taken as a verse or chapter out of context (which he eluded to, though don't know if he means he same as I).
As a wild eyed, full of wonder child, I'm begging new friends to come play with me!
I have a story to tell. I just read this amazing book, and its the most amazing story that I've ever read. And I believe it!
I felt sure, as a naïve child, that the only reason I didn't know anyone who'd ever talked about it before was because after leaving the WT I never talked to anyone about spiritual matters, and this is new to me anyway. But I talked to them first, and no, they don't know.
I have an elder friend and his wife who are really cool. He owns a copy of the DDD (Dictionary of Demons and Deities). I tried to explain to him, I put together this:
I read the whole book, but it was a movie. But it was a movie where the scenes go back in forth in time. What you read isn't necessarily in chronological order—no, duh! you say—but I saw it all. It was a movie and I followed the plot along. There was a lot of foreshadowing and then here's what's going to happen.
Most the books of the prophets get cut off in the middle. Most meaning the major. I haven't sat down to call them out yet. I'm looking to find friends to study with. I have the whole story, but I haven't gone down to figure out the books. I just remember it all and then do the keyword search to pull back the book.
For instance, there's a verse about the women who say to the man, Let us take your name, we'll make our own clothes and food. Then it's followed with a scene of the women of Jerusalem having been purified and God erecting a tent (chuppah! it actually says chuppah! like a Jewish wedding!) over mount zion — and i thought— well I remember that scene. That's Rev. 14:1. You'll have to do a search on for it, I think it's Isaiah maybe? It's a short chapter.
Anyway, the story puts the prophets on hold. You might as well cut off anything written about israel after it's kicked out and put them asides as God's love letters with no mailing address. The Jews get hardened, so the prophecies about them end or conclude with Jeremiah's book. From there everything is on hold until Christ comes, but that's sort of in this middle movie of the trilogy where he comes but everyone who saw the first movie knows how it's going to go—they're going to reject him, and a remnant will believe. Then there's Paul and his ministry to the nations (which includes dispersed Israel; Jews always were mean to Israel for having been apostates; irony). His movie is a mystery style, where you learn that all the blessings the Jews thought were theirs (He's our God!) were just theirs. Only the Jews didn't get the punchline. The Christians got it, and the remnant of the Jews and Israel who believed also got in on the new covenant, body of Christ, one hope, heavenly reward—anointed.
So then (I don't know which movie we're on, 4?) the full number come in. Noticing how people act around here, and how I can't even find ONE friend in SF to talk to who believes in God, it seems there isn't anyone left to believe... er, come in— anyway when the full number comes in, then it's all time for the major events we've been building to. It's where it all comes together in crashing symbols and trumpets of a symphony performance.
One minute they're there—next it's two to a family, one from a field. (Oh, forgot there's the whole everyone in churches following that white guy on the white horse who conquers all the good hearted ones who think they're following Christ. That one kills me. It makes me feel helpless.) SO sorry, I skipped ahead. White guy on white horse conquers all the good hearts but followers, they are safely in churches. People who are bold and think they "know" are noticing that the Obama administration was called out by the crazy guy for "war on religion" while the same CNN report scrolls that Biden is headed to Israel first, then Egypt. (And some have taken the time to make this chart, because they're not good at remembering what's what.) So they think maybe Daniel's treaty of 7 years is about to be made. And about three and a half years in when they call true Nobel Peace and security...
Well, anyway, I'm getting off track and I've gotten a bit cheeky with no intent to offend my friends here. Basically about a year ago I seemed to recognize this convergence of world events and bible prophecy. I am dying to talk to people about it. I'm not a news person, know little about politics, and all I know is that it's going down.
So there's a treaty, 3.5 years of peace for the first half. Then there's 3.5 years of chaos. Its the final go round of God reminding his chosen that they aren't to rely on anyone but him. Apparently besides the devastation and rape, there will also be the temple on the mount. These things sound so absurd. Unless you have Jewish friends and know that there's a prefab (I imagine to Ezekiel's specs) temple ready for the moment that they can go pop it up. There's also a press release out there from the We Do Jewish Stuff for Antiquities and Stuff group who said they have all the utensils ready too. Meanwhile you've got Rabbi whoever who died in 2005 naming Yeshua (using YHWH Yehowah) as the Messiah. Took me a longer moment than you to realize why that was signifigant. Oh year, totally forgot. They don't believe in Jesus (as having been the Messiah). So he dies and his note is read and his son says that dad says that the Messiah said that he'd come after the Prime Minister dies. (If I recall right.) Now, I don't go around believing that people get visions and hear voices unless they are either crazy or possessed... but I have to admit at the same time I come across that is when I had Joel 2 on the mind which was said by Acts to have been fulfilled at the end of the Jewish system, only obviously not entirely since the book speaks to the last Last days. I've also long wondered, anyone out there believe that there is going to be an end to the Christian system, and that's what parallels the end of the Jewish system?
So poof, after 3.5 years of chaos and ravaging apparently Christ appears (I say apparently, don't have the timing worked here, again, looking for people who want to have fun; people who enjoy the scriptures and find them fascinating and alive!) and poof! be gone are the anointed, I mean the Christs body, I mean the Christians (oh those synonyms) thus THE END of the new covenant.
And the beginning of movie 5. The picking up of the old covenant, the restoration, Armageddon. Again need help with order. I can't tell when the travel back to the land is—before or after Armageddon? The key is in the references to the "walled" and "unwalled" city, I think.
The millenium, the end.
I'm tired. Must go sleep. I love dreaming.
Apologies for the rant. I got a sad phone call from my mother. Was nice to hear her voice, at least.
Thanks for listening guys. Its a jumbled mess above. I'd rather hit send and see who sticks around despite rather than to try to craft something which takes much longer. It's nicer to find out who's with you, and work together! :)
With love,
Nibbled the Word