never be very angry at any time.
What is the most valuable thing your mother taught you?
by usualusername 60 Replies latest jw friends
BOC We learn from all experiences not only the good
Josie's experience taught her how to be a better mother
My mom was a spitfire.
She taught me always to stand up to bullies.... and she stood up to elders on many occasions.
She taught me how to cook and bake.
She taught me what love is and isn't.
breakfast of champions
WASBLIND - true, and I did certainly learn the type of person I absolutely do not want to be f rom my mother. My wife says she's amazed I am who I am considering. Not a trace of my mother's nonsense in me.
How NOT to parent and how NOT to discipline. I have amazing kids and my mom is now a proud grandma (in her own detached way) but she is the first to admit that her parenting especially as a JW left much to be desired.
to do everything in my power to not end up a mindless fool as she did...........
My mother taught me to always think for myself. She did this by her bad example and it didn't sink in completely until just before I joined this forum.
She was very much a JW when she did this.
Not to be afraid of life...she is afraid of everything, and is a constant downer-she will see the bad side of anything!
yup - everything was to be feared - got that one right painted toenail..........unfortunatly that part has been very difficult baggage for me to discard.
How NOT to parent and how NOT to discipline
to do everything in my power to not end up a mindless fool as she did...........
I'm feeling these two comments as well