Oh, there's a few on this thread that can relate to you, BOC. I have mellowed enough to find at least one kind thing to say about my mother.
What is the most valuable thing your mother taught you?
by usualusername 60 Replies latest jw friends
To hold my head up and walk tall and not worry about being judged by anyone, if my conscience is clear.
Loz x
Her example of unconditional love . . .
She still thinks the sun shines out of the asses of my two older sisters, who are wealthy, elitist, nasty, manipulative bitches who hate my guts. Her continually showing them favor in return for their 'benevolence' must take extraordinary strength of character.
My mother taught me to rely on no one, from infancy I learned that her faith was more important than her children. My mother taught me to expect nothing from her.
She was a troubled person and a bad parent, she would have struggled without the JW. But JW brought out the worst in her.
My mother taught me to do a job with my hands.
You figure out the rest... -
My mother taught me if I wanted something bad enough I had to go out and make the money to get it myself. When I was a junior in high school I begged my mother for a class ring. She told me no and didn't seem to get why I wanted it. I got a job at Jack-in-the-Box and I babysat to save up enough monies for the cheapest class ring I could afford, a gold plated ring with a imitation pearl stone. Cost me $86 dollars. It was 1982.
My mother didn't have the same attitude with my younger sister and brother. She bought them both the most expensive class rings she could afford, which was way more than I could have ever afforded for a ring.
Yeah, she a great teacher.
To be strong, to believe in myself, and that I have a great spirit.
From my 'worldly' birth mother.
finally awake
My mother has never been a JW. From the minute I was born, she started teaching me to be self reliant and to make sure that I could provide for myself. I could see for myself how hard life was for a person who didn't have much education, but also how much harder it would have been had she not been resourceful and willing to try to do things for herself.
My Mother taught me not to mistake kindness with weakness. She was a very gentle lady, but was also a very strong one! She was not a JW.
zed is dead
How to love, unconditionally.