This is my first post here on jehovahs I joined a ltitle while ago but have been deciding if i want to become active on this site and I believe the response to my question here will determine my descision. i am a former jehovahs witness and have quite a story. here is my question.... my friend claims that he was banned from this website because he had view points that apparently the people who run the site and quite a few of the people that are just members did not like. he said he did not break the guide lines which I am not 100% sure of what they are. but anyways he says because he backed a x jehiovahs witness website and promoted it that he was banned and he claims that he is not the only one that other people either stopped discussing thier promotion of a non profit website that is suppose to help x JWs or if they did not stop doing so they were banned. And when he told me this I was quite shocked. And I agreed to ask this question How something like this is justified? I do believethis person he is a friend and I dont think he would lie to me. He did say that I might be reprimanded for asking this but I feel that it is completely fair for me to ask about a website I am considering becoming an active and I believe valuable member of this website. I have alot of information and what not to contribute. So i asked how is this justified or even ok? Shouldnt everyone have freedom of speech atleast to the extent of promoting or speaking of somethig they believe in even if others do not believe or agree? Because if not how are we any better then the I should say cult that has hurt so many? I hope everyone and the people who run this site understand why i ask this question of a website that I would associate myself with?
Are we any better then the organization that has hurt so many ? I am a new member and feel the need to ask this question
by JWainWashed 24 Replies latest jw friends
The guidelines are located just below the posting box. Except for some extreme people, most can ask to be allowed access again just to stick to the guidelines and remember that we have all been invited into a DB maintained by the administrators to keep it safe for all who post here. Is this person's post history still on here? If so, I would see for myself what happened by reading them. There has to be more to it as to a website...see below...if you are seeking an explanation regarding any decision made by the administrators see Guideline #11 as the the proper way to do that.
Posting Guidelines
To ensure all users feel safe and keen to participate, please avoid:
- Insulting, threatening or provoking language
- Inciting hatred on the basis of race, religion, gender, nationality or sexuality or other personal characteristic.
- Swearing, using hate-speech or making obscene or vulgar comments.
- Breaking the law
This includes libel, condoning illegal activity and contempt of court (comments which might affect the outcome of an approaching court case). You may post a small amount of third party material, but please help us to avoid breaching copyright by naming its author and publication. We are unable to investigate all third party material, so where possible, please provide a link instead. - Spamming
Please don't add the same comment to more than one forum. - Advertising
You can mention relevant, non-commercial websites as long as they support your comment. - Impersonating or falsely claiming to represent a person or organisation.
Please don't mislead other users by abusing our registration procedure. - Posting in a language other than English.
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Please don't post private addresses or phone numbers, including your own. You may post email addresses so long as you make it clear who they belong to. - Posting an off-topic comment.
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Forums may be moderated to make sure they stay friendly and welcoming, legal and relevant. We reserve the right to edit or delete posts at own discretion and without notice, which we consider to be unacceptable. If you repeatedly break these guidelines, you may be prevented from posting.
Well said Blondie :)
Think About It
Welcome to JWN. You might get more insight by having your friend tell you what his poster name was, then you can read for yourself and possibly have a better idea of why he was banned.
welcome.. your not being recruited to join so... You my want to just find out for yourself .. about the web site
Your friend kept advertising a Web Site,that is not welcome to advertise here..
The owner of that website repeatedly broke forum rules here..
He was banned from this Forum..Along with the privilage to advertise here..
Your friend was asked repeatedly to stop advertising that web site here..
He refused..He`s gone..
The guidelines are posted for all to read.
From what I've seen, it generally takes multiple violations and warnings before someone is banned.
If you want to post something and you're not clear on how the guidelines apply, check with one of the mods.
Who is this "friend"? I have an idea but I think it would behoove the OP not to beat around the bush and come straight out with it.
If it is the person who I think you are referring to:
my friend claims that he was banned from this website because he had view points that apparently the people who run the site and quite a few of the people that are just members did not like. - JWainWashed
Throwing around homophobic slurs at people that disagreed with him and his methods, yes we do not like that and will not tolerate that here - that is what got him banned. He was also repeatedly asked to stop spamming the forum with adverts for his website, he refused.