Elder Flower
I would like to welcome you to the site, Many of us realize that risk you are taking by merely being here, but we welcome you . Many of us have served in different roles in the org and it has given us an insight into many things that the avg publisher will never see or hear.
While I have different views about the Org and what they teach than you do, the issue in this post is clear.
I assume that you are an elder- if so then you should be aware of the guidelines that the society has given to elders about couseling sisters alone if that is the case how much more so with a nonjw woman
According to even wt rules he could not justify being with this woman alone like this,
according to the Youth book he is DATING and being a married elder and she being a married woman, it is very clear
putting aside the wt view on the matter, just in a pratical sense they are setting themselves up for some physical contact, holding hands, a kiss a touch and rub and perhaps more.
The best test that any married person can take if they REALLY WANT TO KNOW ABOUT THIS ARRANGEMENT IS to ask thier mate> smile
but welcome again to the board