Arbo. to answer your Question to me. I believe Satan is in contol of the earth...I believe Jesus is my LORD & Saviour.
I also believe love is a very needed tool to exist. As to the end of the world. ??? NO BODY!!!!! knows the time of the end.
I lived through the second world war, lost my baby of 3 days in the buzz bombing.
We all thought the end was then. But" love thy neighbour" was in the
picture,Today it seems love is void even between neighbours.I have spoken to Germans who say even though we
were killing each other in each of our countries we were loving each other English loved each other
Germans loved each other. I think we may be relying on the scripture 2nd Tim 3: which talks about the end of the world
In my many years I DO believe those traits are MORE in Evidence NOW than I have ever seen.
Yes !it sure looks like the end when we read that. BUT it will be MY end soon ...I am sure & I hope to live with MY LORD
& Saviour . IN PARADISE!So It is as if that scripture is for me,because these ARE MY last days.
I do believe God has allowed Satan to roam on the earth as he promised he could make us all turn on a creator
Yes he is doing a big gathering work >BUT as for me!!!!! I LOVE JESUS CHRIST!!!!! I also remember Paul who said
"IN Fact everyonewho wants to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted.""I ve been there,am still there,
My persecution was losing 3 kids in death, losing One to the WT, losing grandkids, great grandkids to the WT,
Now losing some to drugs they are involved in( NOT JWS).I still LOVE them ALL ,They are costing me many tears & heartaches
Cost me lots of money getting them out of jail etc. BUT CHRIST giives me the strenth to carry on till the end.