So no. I did not even remotely imply that non-christians do not have love written upon their hearts. Just the opposite.
Then what is the need for God, Christ, etc.?
by Qcmbr 91 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
So no. I did not even remotely imply that non-christians do not have love written upon their hearts. Just the opposite.
Then what is the need for God, Christ, etc.?
Tec- the only thing of substance I ever seem to hear from you is that love is the only trait of your god. You claim the ten commandments but dismiss them in the next sentence with a wave of the magic love wand.
Can you not understand that the other commandments stem from love. That if one had love written on their hearts, they do not need any other commandment, because love teaches them not to steal, or covet, or bear false witness, or murder, etc, etc.? It is not so difficult to grasp.
You even reject foundational biblical rules as merely misundstandings ( circumcision was a misunderstanding by a prophet who supposedly had one to one chats with god - oh come on Tec you must have some more logical and sound foundation than that )
Go back and read what i said. I gave only some thoughts as to what is possible, and I gave more than this one that you choose to focus on.
and that this super loving god was so gallopingly obscure and incapable of regular clear communication that an entire nation blithely hacked of foreskins in acts of loving devotion to this god. You arrogantly write off the experience and downgrade the devotional love of ALL religious people while sitting in your warm , safe house devoid of any immediate great needs beyond which biscuit to eat next and what revelation on the consequences of accidental death by fire to have and this qualifies you to say you have "LOVE" and everyone else merely had religion.
I never said any such thing. Nice rant though.
Your reasoning describes no god who deserves worship, who prescribes no means, guides, commandments , standards or medium by which to aim for self improvement that is superior to existing human guidelines ( and is less justified and much more philosophically immature) and seems such a confusing hodge pudge of thought that it looks as though you make up answers on the spot. A god who relies on a mantra - x is not my god, x is a misunderstanding, my god is <love|tree|light|truth|magic rainbow farts> - but has nothing to back that up is a feeble god with no power.
It is too simple I know. A God that wants us to love one another, do good to one another, show mercy and forgiveness, feed the poor, shelter the homeless (all of those things stem from love, mind you, so they are included in love)... I guess that is just too simple for some to grasp. Which is why rules and regulations and addendums and rituals and religions were added... that is from man.
Tec - you still try and enforce your view that even an atheist with love was incapable of achieving that without Christ breaking in and graffiti style scrawling on their heart. I can assure you that Christ does not come anywhere near my psyche these days except as an object of myth who has been firmly booted out. The very concept of Christ leaves a nasty taste in my mouth. Yet still I love, experience awe, cry at moving things, ache for the underprivileged and helpless, joy in the company of friends and family ; all things that once erroneously, I thought manifestations of gods character manifest through my life.
" Then what is the need for God, Christ, etc.?"
Reminds me of something in 'Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy' concerning middlemen.
Tec - the commandments are nothing to do with love , especially the ten commandments, they are a copy of the Egyptian commandments picked up by the Semitic ancestors of the Israelite nation. Look up the atheist ten commandments and see a much better list.
Christ is the Life. Death has no hold over anyone who belongs to Christ.
He is the truth of God... and many seek God. Out of love, out of thirst for truth and knowledge.
Christ gives us love, and there are plenty of people who wouldn't turn their noses up for that. Besides, isn't truth enough of a reason to seek Him out? There is more than just what we have discovered in this world, there is also the spiritual... He shows us this reality, even if some deny its existance.
He is the Teacher, and He sets us free from the lies and misunderstandings and fears that man has taught and instilled in us. By looking to him, we can be freed from the chains of these that bind us.
He forgives, he shows mercy, and he loves... and love, mercy, and forgiveness... all beget more love, mercy, and forgiveness.
He offers peace, and life, and truth.
you still try and enforce your view that even an atheist with love was incapable of achieving that without Christ breaking in and graffiti style scrawling
No. I don't.
Yet still I love, experience awe, cry at moving things, ache for the underprivileged and helpless, joy in the company of friends and family ; all things that once erroneously, I thought manifestations of gods character manifest through my life.
Good for you. I never said you couldn't.
I, however, love more and more, the more I learn the truth from Christ, and about God. I am a better person for being known by Him, and taught by Him. This all in the last couple years from having allowed Him to teach me.
the commandments are nothing to do with love , especially the ten commandments, they are a copy of the Egyptian commandments picked up by the Semitic ancestors of the Israelite nation
Does it matter who used them 'first'?
Love still implies that one will not break the other commandments, such as stealing, murder, false witness, etc.
So no. I did not even remotely imply that non-christians do not have love written upon their hearts. Just the opposite.
So, no need to learn about Christ. Seems like we should learn about love instead.
OTWO, read what i responded to EP, regarding 'no need for Christ'
But we should definitely learn about love. Christ helps those who need the help and who seek Him, and some have love naturally upon them.
So Christ is the expensive life coach you can do without if you have sufficient willpower? Great, consider his account closed. He can clean up his animal sacrifices and his own suicidal action on the way out !