Your God asks for too much

by Qcmbr 91 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • OnTheWayOut

    Tec, you immediately move away from "love" and throw in "truth." You even go further with "truth of God."

    An old philosophy question, from your Bible is "What is truth?"

    So I jump out of this logic circle at this point where we go right back to humans defining truth and knowledge and truth of God and God.

    If no humans are needed to do that, then Jesus will call me. I will then ask about all the terrible deaths I have previously mentioned in this and other threads. CJ is right, this news cycle has nothing new. I will wait it out awhile.

  • xchange

    So Christ is the expensive life coach you can do without if you have sufficient willpower?

    Not everyone needs or wants a Tony Robbins!

  • EntirelyPossible

    Christ is the Life. Death has no hold over anyone who belongs to Christ.

    Every single Christian has died. Clearly your position is not true.

    Christ gives us love, and there are plenty of people who wouldn't turn their noses up for that.

    You said plenty of non-theists have love. Clearly I don't need Christ to have love.

    So, Christ doesn't stop death, nor is he the source of love. What's the point?

  • tec

    This vessel dies, EP, but not the spirit that IS us... at least until Christ returns and those who belong to him, who are still alive, are changed to be like him (a new vessel, the white robe, no death in it)

    But death has no hold on those who belong to him, because death has no hold on Him. If we have His blood (which is his spirit), then we have life in us... not death.

    And I said GIVES love... there are plenty of people who would not turn their nose up at someone offering them love. Especially not if they also love that person.

    So no death, and offers love. Still stands.



  • EntirelyPossible

    This vessel dies, EP, but not the spirit that IS us... at least until Christ returns and those who belong to him, who are still alive, are changed to be like him (a new vessel, the white robe, no death in it)

    That's an interesting myth.

    And I said GIVES love... there are plenty of people who would not turn their nose up at someone offering them love. Especially not if they also love that person.

    False. Love exists without god and before god and in creatures that Christ never died for. Your statement is nonsensical.

  • tec

    Well of course you think it is a myth, EP. I thought that was a given? If you are going to discuss it though, then you have to discuss what it entails... rather than falling back on 'it is a myth'. Otherwise, why discuss to begin with?

    False. Love exists without god and before god and in creatures that Christ never died for. Your statement is nonsensical.

    Nothing existed before God.

    Regardless... you are missing my point, which is why i suspect that you think my statement is nonsensical.

    I am not saying that one cannot love without Christ giving them love. I am saying that Christ loves... and plenty of people would not turn their nose up at someone who loves them, especially not if they also love that person.



  • EntirelyPossible

    Well of course you think it is a myth, EP. I thought that was a given? If you are going to discuss it though, then you have to discuss what it entails... rather than falling back on 'it is a myth'.

    You try to treat it as objective fact with nothing to back it up. What's your point?

    Nothing existed before God.

    Interesting myth.

    I am not saying that one cannot love without Christ giving them love. I am saying that Christ loves... and plenty of people would not turn their nose up at someone who loves them, especially not if they also love that person.

    So what need for Christ then? I have love and hapiness without him.

    So no death, and offers love. Still stands.

    Every christian that ever lived has died and we don't need him for love. Still true. Christ is pretty pointless.

  • tec

    I've answered your questions and responsed to your statements already. You can go back and look if you like, or not if you don't like. But I'm not doing an endless loop of repeating the same things over and over again.



  • EntirelyPossible

    I've answered your questions and responsed to your statements already. You can go back and look if you like, or not if you don't like. But I'm not doing an endless loop of repeating the same things over and over again.

    Backing out of a discussion tends to happen when you try to claim a myth is real with no facts or substance to back it up and all the actual facts are against you.

  • tec

    Lol... nice try though.



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