Over 4 months, still no response to this letter to the elders!

by Greybeard 36 Replies latest jw friends

  • rubadubdub

    Greybeard, You and I seem to have lived parallel lives! I was baptized when I was 16 years old in March of 1975 as well (raised in since I was nine years old)-- too young to enter into a binding, lifelong contract. And yes, the old bait and switch with those baptismal questions! Forty-two years of my life undone in a moment of clarity (and about two week's of researching and reading TTATT.) I've been out for just about 18 months now! We are free! That's all that counts in the end. My husband had to wait 30 years for me to wake up-- a truly patient man! I hope with all my heart your wife wakes up!

  • MsD

    Excellent letter! They won't respond because everything you've put down in writing is sadly very true. How can they ever respond to it logically?! Hang in there, things will get better in time

  • Lied2NoMore

    I could have wrote that same letter, I am going through the earlier stages of what you have gone thru. WT is an evil, corrupt entity, and WORSE than ALL other false religions combined. The trail of false doctrines will follow them like a burning trail of gasoline from a Ford Pinto forever as long as we all have voices to point it out. Sad for you but be strong!

  • Aussie Oz
    Aussie Oz

    Hi Greybeard

    thats one hell of a letter and a pity the parties that need to read it probably wont.

    It may be a hard thing to swallow, but your soulmate was not your soulmate. It was a relationship based on a lie of togetherness so long as you never deviated from the fairytale. To even question the tiny details of the story is to betray the soulmate-ness.

    A true soulmate does not care if you believe different theories, facts, fairytales or stories to get through life.

    If you come to terms with that, it WILL make healing so much easier, i can assure you.

    My first wife, even though she came to despise me, still wanted another try after our divorce. BUT the condition was that I had to re-adopt the old beliefs and practices. She could only love me if i repaired the rip in the fairytale.


  • ingimar

    What an amazing letter!

    I have never been a Jehovah Witness but my husband is on the fence regarding to be active or inactive. We have been together 7 years, lived together for 3 years and married for 4 years. I realize now that he was never supposed to be living in sin with me. I am sure that he has never told the local congregation about that!

    During our 7 years together, he attended the Hall twice so I never really knew much about the faith. It is only the last few months, since they literally tackled him at the door that he has shown interest in becoming active again. At this point, I started researching them and panicked when I realized what control they could have over him and what this could do to our marriage. Without being fully informed, I bombarded him with questions and threats which I know now pushed even further towards them. I have since read both of Stephen Hassan's books and I have received a lot of helpful advice on this website. I know now that I need to be supportive, caring and loving while trying to subtly plant seeds of doubt in him. It is not easy!

    I have printed your letter, whited out all the web site info, and I will ask him to read it in its' entirety. I will tell him that I found this letter and that it touched me deeply and that I want to see what he thinks.

    I live in Canada and I wish that you lived closer. I don't know of any ex or discouraged JW's who could speak to my husband.

    I am so sorry that the Watchtower Society has probably cost you your marriage. I just hope that I can save mine.

  • ÁrbolesdeArabia

    Why does the Watchtower Organization get involved with a "fader" who has not been at meetings for three years? Who is the trouble making turd looking for reasons to make people's lives miserable? Did brother Derwood contact Graybeard out of the blue, or were they hunting for apostates after Ray Publisher left their kingdom hall?

    Why can't people live in peace once they leave the Scien-Tower Society? There must be a bunch of busy-bodies, unemployed losers with nothing better to do, than hunting down ex-jws trying to leave this bondage behind!

  • was a new boy
    was a new boy


    The Watchtowers words did not come true. I am now 50 years old...
    The cover of the Watchtower May 15, 1984 has a picture with 16 older Jehovah Witnesses on it and the caption reads, "1914, the generation that will not pass away." Every person on that cover is now dead. Is this "unimpeachable proof?"

    39 years ago.

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