I just stumbled onto this website whilst messing about on the internet and I've taken exception to quite a lot of what I've seen here.
Incase you think I'm some irate Jehovah's Witness idiot who's been offended by the terrible blasphemy that he's read on here, I'm not. I was raised a JW, but now I'm not one.
First of all, given the url, I thought this website was in some way affiliated with the Jehovah's Witness organization, whereas in reality it seems from the posts I've read that most people here are either former Jehovah's Witnesses or soon-to-be former Jehovah's Witnesses. Is this ambiguity deliberate? I think you should make it clearer you're not affiliated, unless it's some deliberate ploy to snare Jehovah's Witnesses, which brings me onto my next point.
Why are you all so bothered, well, maybe not all of you, about getting JWs to leave? Why should it matter to you in the slightest? It's worse than them going around preaching, seriously, you were Jehovah's Witnesses once, now you're not, you've learnt from your mistake, now get on with your life. I'm not sure whether most of you are now non-religious or have some joined some other group/formed your own little religions.
Finally, given that, from what I can gather, most of you are now former JWs, why do you make such a big deal about people within the Jehovah's Witness organization being fallible, some trifling bit of alleged corruption within the organization itself or them have a poor policy for dealing with thus and so forth? First of all, everybody's fallible, JW or not, so the fact that when you were a Jehovah's Witness a few people were nasty to you doesn't really mean a lot, it certainly doesn't mean that Jehovah's Witnesses are all hypocrites, just the people who were nasty to you. Secondly, given that the actions of the "faithful and discreet slaveā are not really being directed by God, it means nothing if they deal with a few things badly, other than that they are human and make mistakes.
What I really want to know is why? Why are you so obsessed by them? Why couldn't you just either leave the religion or stay? Why must you now spend your lives "exposing the hypocrisy of the WBTS"?