I would be interested in your explanation of how name calling is taking a stand?
by little_lamb_on_a_hill 87 Replies latest jw friends
I would be interested in your explanation of how name calling is taking a stand?
Xenu, would you please address my response regarding name calling. Specifically, do you agree or not agree with my assertion that the WTBS derogatorily labels and "name calls" other groups and people?
I think that's more to do with their families than with the JWs as an organizationWhat realm do you live in? You don't make sense.
Crazy is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.
little Lamb,
I would first like to say welcome, it's nice to have you here. Many like yourself have come here and have asked the same questions. Many like you, have not had the total rejection by their JW families and have not spent many years missing their mother and fathers like others have. There are as many different stories and levels of pain felt by people on this board as there are posters. The is one common link and that is we have all had our lives negatively influenced by the JW religion.
Those who have been treated the worst by the JW's seem to be the most upset. That I would see as fairly normal reaction to a negative influence on anyone's life. Some are more angry and post in a way to express that anger. Some are just here to be with people who understand them. The JW religion puts people in a unique position in that they were raised to be no part of the world so they do not know how to fit into it once they leave the religion. There are remaining cob webs of cult influence that is very hard to shake. At this forum those who have those cob webs can find help and encouragement by others who have learned how to shed them. It is very simple, we don't necessarily fit well into the rest of the world and we have been rejected by out past way of life and family. Those on this board have in a way turned into a family and that is a need that most of us have.
As far as name calling goes, please take a moment and reflect on this. The JW religion is the biggest religion in regard to slanderous name calling and out right condemnation of the people on this earth. Except for those who they consider to be "JW's in good standing" they have called everyone else on this planet worthless, evil, vile, disgusting, perverted, scandalous, deceitful, hated by god, deserving of hideous death, dogs returning to their vomit, offsprins of vipers, undeserving of any love or understanding, and have pretty much sat around dreaming of the day we will all die.
Now tell me, what is worse, calling those who call those who teach this evil nonsense a bunch of assholes or those assholes who teach little children to dream of the day all their class mates will die? Condemnation is condemnation, the JW's just do it using their interpretation of who they think god is as an excuse to name call and condemn. The specific language and words used are irrelevant here.
If you want a few things to think about, stick around. If you want to try and get any of us to say the JW religion is not all that bad, I suggest you look elsewhere to do that. The more you stick around, the more you will start to understand. This is not an easy place to figure out quickly, it takes time to realize the beauty of this site and the people who post here.
Take care,
Hi there little lamb
I am here because my Son and his family are Jws,and i am indirectly controlled by the WT i have 2 beautiful grandsons whos lives could be blown out if ever they need blood transfusions,What then little lamb,i come here once in awhile and have found people on this forum to be good honest people,i see how they are hurting and how they struggle whether in or out of the Borg and i care a great deal.
Do i want my Son and Grandsons out of the Borg,
If by name calling you mean bad association, you would have to take
this up with Saint Paul, for he used the term, and Jehovahs Witnesses simply report what they believe is found in the Bible. This is also true regarding those that will be destroyed at Armageddon. However, Witness acknowledge that only Jehovah can judge.
Ok, I know you've brought that up on this thread already, I didn't ignore it. Having read all of that, I still haven't changed my mind on anything, although it is written in a rather unfortunate way, "as much as we might like to kill disfellowshipped people, we don't want to go to prison."
Maybe you think I'm a little slow?
You say JWs break up families.
I say, almost all religions, when taken seriously (although if they're not, then what's the point?) break up families if some believe and some don't. It's already been mentioned on this thread that other religions practice some form of shunning. So are you on a crusade against organised religions? If so, I'd happily join you, if it weren't for the fact that I'm lazy and apathetic.
I think it's a great shame that you have lost touch with some of your family now that you're no longer a JW, but personally I don't think that you'll succeed if you try to convince them of your beliefs. I can only see it alienating them further. But that's just my opinion, and I really don't know anything about your situation.
I actually know of an elder who has his disfellowshipped daughter, who is about 20, living at home with him and she has been disfellowshipped for over a year.
seven 006,
Yes, I realise I'm not going to convince everyone of my point of view and I would agree that being raised as a JW definitely had a negative impact on my life, but not because of anyone at the KH. That had absolutely nothing to do with me leaving, I never really had any bad experiences growing up caused directly by anyone at the KH, so can you really blame me for defending them? Perhaps I have just been really lucky, I don't know.
Imbue explains why you are not shunned. You were never babtized.
This is the point where JW's are not allowed free thought. They must submit to the will of the Governing Body. They will tell you that they follow the faithful and descreet slave, but how many anointed persons are allowed to write Watchtower articles?
You should be thankful that you never were babtized.
Anyone thinking of joining the JW ranks should be very careful of this important step.
Let's see, you stumbled across this site thinking it was affiliated with the JWs. Then, after lurking and obviously reading more than a few posts, you determined it wasn't a JW site, but mostly exJWs. Then, you register with the site to be able to post your message?
Seems to me if this site bothered you all that much, you would just have left.
I post here to let others know they are not alone and don't have to face the scorn of the Watchtower Society, as well as individuals. Much hurt and harm has been done, not only by individual JWs, but from the Watchtower Society itself.
Who knows, if I were silent, maybe the stones would speak out!
If God's Spirit is filling a Kingdom Hall, how is it that Satan can manuever the ones within that Kingdom Hall at the same time?
Little Lamb,
I feel you have summed up yourself exactly why you feel the way you do. You said you had no bad experience while you were a JW so I guess you have no reason to bear a grudge or be 'anti-JW'.
A few years ago I felt exactly the same as you did. I was baptized, but I 'drifted away' (a deliberate and carefully planned operation to leave without being D'FD) I didn't expect it to work, but it did. Even when I was expecting my first child and I wasn't married, still I wasn't disfellowshipped. Today I still live 'in sin' and haves two children. Most JW's I know will still say hello to me in passing. My parents are JW's, my father is an Elder. We have an excellent relationship (better than when I was a JW living under thier roof) and they love my children to bits.
I too have been very lucky. For five years after I left I would never say a bad word against JW's. I totally supported the disfellowshipping practise, even though I was disfellowshipped myself once. I was reinstated around 2 years before I 'drifted'.
I saw the Society as a loving organisation. Doing the best it could and protecting JW's from the outside world. I only left because I felt I wasn't good enough and couldn't live up to the JW way of life.
But then a couple of years ago I got online and started doing my own research. Nothing major, just browsing various sites and learning more about the JW Organisation than I ever learnt while I was there. And that is a fact.
I also found out that within my own 'loving' ex cong, a pedophile had been protected by the elders and no one knew that he was a child molestor and had molested a good friend of mine. It wasn't until he was jailed for abusing his own granddaughter that it became public knowledge and everyone knew.
But even that wasn't the main reason why I feel the way I do today. It came from reading peoples experiences, people who had been raped, and then slandered, the suicides that occur from disfellowshipping and the corrupt ways of the Organisation.
Now I feel I know the whole truth I can't just ignore it. Just because I was lucky with my own experiences, it doesn't stop me feeling the injustice and pain suffered by so many others. Even though I have never these people, it doesn't stop me caring about them.
Give yourself time to THINK about the things you read, don't just pass it all off en masse as anti-JW hatred. Think about the individuals and how their lives have been ruined. Then maybe you will start to understand.
We all make a mess of our lives from time to time
It's part of the process that you stumble as you climb