Unbelievable Assertion!!!!!!!

by The Searcher 94 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Rattigan350
    When they started teaching that Jesus wasn't the mediator for all true believers but only for their little class, they were laying the groundwork for being the conduit for holy spirit.

    I don't understand's people objection to the teaching of Jesus being the mediator for the anointed only. Moses was mediator for the Israelites only, so Jesus can be the mediator for the spiritual Israelites only. People don't need Jesus as a mediator to get life, or forgiveness or prayers passed to his Father. Objecting to this teaching is not understanding what the priestly arrangement is. Jesus as high priest gives the atonement for all. The atonement is what forgives sins and cleanses. The priest also offers up prayers for all like incense. Mediator refers to covenants which means both sides have a give and take. Why would you want to be part of that?

  • Rattigan350

    I'm afraid the DO is really expressing the Governing Body's ideas, he gets it. When he reads the Directives of the Governing Body addressed to him personally he gets it and he's walking the walk and talking the talk that the Governing Body want him to talk, he may even be a Governing Body wannabe.
    District Overseer next step up is GB, so they got to be DO's because they are company men, to them the organization is everything.

    Of course, they are going to say and do what is in the interest of the GB because the GB is their employer. If they did not do what is in their interests, they would fire him and replace him with one who would. Everyone is expendable. Everyone appointed particularly. That is the purpose of appoinments.


    Mediator refers to covenants which means both sides have a give and take. Why would you want to be part of that?

    Why wouldn't you? Just to clear, no human being is in the seat of Moses. There is no Moses class. It's pretty easy to see why people have a problem with pharisaic behavior. It is natural to have a distaste for hypocrisy. The real issue is not who may rule with Christ in some specific manner, that is HIS choice. The false doctrine of 2 classes of Christians, and the closing of the heavenly door are the real issue. Christians partake, end of story. The REAL good news has not changed. Until the rank&file realize this, there will always be a hole in their life. All false/organized religion creates a vacuum, and then fills that vacuum. They create a job for themselves. They give breath to an image, an ideal, the organization/channel. That has taken on a life of it's own, and now they must serve it. They made a God for themselves, an imaginary Jehorganization that approves of what they are doing.

    Physically minded people fall into the same trap continually. A lack of spiritual vision leads to reliance on the Golden Calf.



  • Indian Larry
    Indian Larry

    Is the actual audio available anywhere yet?

  • lisaBObeesa
    I don't understand's people objection to the teaching of Jesus being the mediator for the anointed only.

    The Bible says NO ONE comes to the Father except through Jesus, that there is no other way to God.

    So I would say that the Bible objects to the teaching that Jesus is NOT the mediator of 99% of the world.

    "Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You shut the kingdom of heaven in men's faces. You yourselves do not enter, nor will you let those enter who are trying to."

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