Those quotes Blondie , and a huge Thank You for them , show that they have long layed the ground-work for coming out in the blatant way that The Searcher has shown they are now doing.
This will translate in to the R&F feeling they always knew it was thus, and yet this is simply an urgent call to stay "right in the centre of God's Organization".
The real impetus for my walking away was the many unsubstantiated claims made by the GB, and that was 5 years ago.
Once this blatant and truly outrageous claim becomes general, anyone who stays in has to be in for life, they will never wake up.
Sorry you folks "Staying in for family", when this is established in this undisguised and shameless way, by repetition and I hope in print, then you must confront your family and ask them to prove thoroughly the claims, from the 1919 choosing on.
If not the choice is to stay in, knowing TTATT, until your loved ones die, before that happens your brain will probably melt and seep out through your ears.