Whats your opinion of the WTS. apologizing now for its past wrongful teachings ?

by Finkelstein 56 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Londo111

    They didn’t apologize. Or admit mistakes were made by Leadership. The blame was spread, as usual, not on the teachers disseminating the teaching, but on the adherents who had no choice but to accept it. Nor are they specific, but very vague. It is said in the same passive voice of some who say, “Mistakes were made.” They whitewash these things be labeling them “misplaced expectations”. When other religious leaders do this, they call them “false prophesies.”

    Never had they said, “We, the Watchtower Society and Governing Body, were wrong about X, Y, Z. We are sorry.”

    Camping did this! The Worldwide Church of God did this! The Vatican apologized for its mistakes. They could learn allot for this!

  • Finkelstein

    Thanks Cedars

    Of course there was no mention that the organization used the world's end as commercial vehicle to attract attention

    to the organization's published works. That would be too honest and admitting.

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    As mentioned, they put the blame collectively on "Jehovah's Witnesses". The WT clergy didn't accept responsibility by stating that Watchtower publications and representatives, such as COs, DOs, and elders, were the ones taking the lead and building false expectations.

    Rather than admitting that their false prophecies have caused many to not prepare for the future, enjoy a family, get a productive career, and save for a comfortable retirement, they argue that it was beneficial for the sheeple to be misled by lying prophecies.


    It`s not an apology..It`s a long winded..

    "We were Wrong,So we must be Right!"

    "Get back to work WatchTards!!"

    ...............................  mutley-ani1.gif ... OUTLAW

  • frankiespeakin

    Reading this it merely answers the title question, and proceeds not to apologize but justify and make lite of past date setting for the end of the world, the quote from A H Macmillan is about as close as you can come to admitting a mistake, at the same time indicating the same flawed thinking is going to continue by looking for into the bible with confirmation biased for a date of when the end will come.

  • Finkelstein

    The light weighted the issue by saying we had expectations and then further skirted the issue of by quoting Scriptures

    that state faithful ones should always keep on watch.

    I guess this is a another apparent means to substantiate their image as god's earthly chosen organization.

    All the commercialized BS doctrines that this organization has come up with going back to 1914 and even further has become

    a problem for themselves, because it nullifies that purposed public image.

  • konceptual99

    Spot on Cedars. There is no apology and a straightforward implication that they can go right on setting expectations with no consequence - it's simply being alert.

  • Finkelstein

    Good point frankiespeakin

    They further cleansed themselves off by saying we are just interpreting what we read in the bible, since we are just

    imperfect men, it should be accepted that we can make mistakes.

    Which essentially adds confusion to what is coming from imperfect men or what is being brought forward by god's guiding spirit.


    Hypothetical situation:

    I am an overbearing husband, emotionally an physically abusive to my family. My neighbors call me out on it for decades, I ignore them. Finally my family begins to distance themselves from me, and they begin to grow into who they should be. I know that they will leave me soon. So I call a family meeting and make 2 announcements:

    1) I am in charge and none of you can make it without me. You should be grateful that I have provided for you. Then immediately after...

    2) Sometimes people are upset and hurt others. It is only because they love others so much. No one should stop loving their family.

    Did I ever apologize?

  • metaspy

    This is worse than them not saying anything at all.

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