Whats your opinion of the WTS. apologizing now for its past wrongful teachings ?

by Finkelstein 56 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • scary21

    Have they ever heard the story of ... The boy who cried wolf.. or the saying ..actions speak louder than words.Live your life like the end could come

    tomrrow. Don't keep crying out the end is coming in 1914...no 1925...no 1975. No body believes you anymore, and it's your own fault

  • Finkelstein

    The preponderance of arrogance is astounding, is it not ?

    The Head writers (GB) think they've really caught the golden ring don't they ?

    All that power and money, the same as J Rutherford and likewise people.

    The WTS. publishing corporation and its leading heads have destroyed millions of people's lives, either mentally or physically.

    and these assholes are bullishly proud of their acquired power and prominence. ...... Quite sickening

  • problemaddict

    Actually after reading that I see it clearly. We are just like the First century Christians. Our screwing up and being "eager" is only further pfoof we are the original congregation re-established!!

  • Finkelstein

    I guess it was a assuming occurrence of them justifying themselves particularly now when so much of their false prophecies are

    being so openly exposed in places like the inter-net.

    " We are god's organization so join us, with you we have power and money, without you we are powerless and have no money.

    Or course the first era Christians didn't run a publishing house, with attaching operating costs.

    To bad Christ didn't say DO NOT turn the holy Gospel into a prospering publishing company.

  • frankiespeakin

    I think a real apology would include a resolve not to be looking for dates in the bible for the end of the world since the only way they can find a date for the end of the world in the bible is through a crazy game of bible hodge podge, one scripture from column A and two scriptures from column B and tie it all to gether with a scripture from column C and add a day for a year and subtract a 1 for the zero year.

    When they give up the insane bible interpetation russian roulette, only then can they offer a legitimate apology which will never happen because their whole corporate structure is based on finding dates not too far into the future

  • Pterist

    I would love to see that apology ! Where ?


    It does serve a purpose. I quote David A. Reed from http://www.cftf.com/booklets/proclaimers/

    " Sugar-coated versions of embarrassing moments in JW history, designed to inoculate members against outside exposes. "

    That " apology " was printed so that JW's could be ready for confrontations in service. The confident dub can give the appropriate pre-conditioned response of, " We have had wrong expectations in the past. We admit that. Don't you feel a Christian should stay alert?"

  • cobaltcupcake

    That article is on par with "If I ever did anything that hurt you I'm sorry."

  • Terry

    Simple response:

    If the previous teaching was "Food at the Proper Time" how is it any different from False Teaching at the Wrong time exactly?


    Since when has Armageddon been described as a..

    Wisp of Smoke?..


    If you not a Complete Idiot the WBT$..

    Doesn`t want you..

    We can find another Idiot..

    To Replace You!..


    ........................  mutley-ani1.gif ...OUTLAW

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