Whats your opinion of the WTS. apologizing now for its past wrongful teachings ?

by Finkelstein 56 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Finkelstein

    It should be clearly recognized that the WTS. has one important agenda and that is getting people to read their literature

    by all tangible means. If lying is needed or pressing twisting misinformation then thats OK.

    Jesus should have warned about commercialized false prophets/profits.

    Covering their asses by saying we just went further ahead of are selves in expectations, is a lame irresponsible excuse and gives

    little complacent responsibility for the damage they've caused people.

    Of course people who are long time JWS know that their proclamations were not just subtle expectations.

  • Finkelstein

    Good one Terry and Outlaw

  • Ding

    A genuine apology would read something like this: "The Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses publicly admits that the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society is a false prophet. That is, we have claimed to be God's channel of communication on earth, whereas in fact we are not. We apologize for all the harm we have caused and demonstrate our sincerity by disbanding the organization so that we will not harm anyone else."

  • Pistoff

    An apology includes some or all of the words wrong, sorry, apologize, apology, harm , forgive.

    That box includes none of those words.



  • DesirousOfChange

    That " apology " was printed so that JW's could be ready for confrontations in service.

    I believe that is the most important intent/purpose of the "apology".

    If they were really meaning to give a heartfelt apology to those who have had their life negatively affected by their mistaken in predicting The End (TM) (false prophecies) then they would have admitted that they were wrong in thinking or claiming to be speaking/directed by God/Holy Spirit.

    Isn't it obvious that IF they had been directed by or speaking for God, then there would have been NO mistakes. (What Bible prophpet got it wrong over and over and over?)

    They should have admitted:

    "We have no special voodoo powers or divine revelations. We are just sincere God-fearing, imperfect men who are doing our very best to understand the meaning of God's Word so that we can assist other honest-hearted persons to build a relationship with Christ Jesus that will lead to their salvation."

    Sincere, imperfect Godly men do not have the right to breakup families or make decisions for others (by threats of punitive action) that harms them or their loved ones.


  • Deputy Dog
    Deputy Dog

    I will consider an apology when they first admit that they were neither faithful, nor discreet and not the fulfilment of Matthew 24:45!

  • dreamgolfer

    Gotta love the comment above - I think someone should email it to the Boston Target Newspaper in UK

    below is it cut and pasted - so simple and yet so true

    "A genuine apology would read something like this:

    "The Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses publicly admits that the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society is a false prophet. That is, we have claimed to be God's channel of communication on earth, whereas in fact we are not. We apologize for all the harm we have caused and demonstrate our sincerity by disbanding the organization so that we will not harm anyone else."

  • trujw

    They are only bringing up what they have been caught red handed in. The end will come in 1925 but we are still here. They can't sugar coat that. Anything that is invisible AKA 1914, 1919 is put forth as the word of god with not even a hint they could be wrong or WE as they like to say can believe it is not true without going to HELL and losing everyone in our life.

  • Finkelstein

    I think the long continuing effect of false predictions and proclamations has created within the organization a plausible doubt about the organization itself.

    A little miss here and there would probably go off excusable, but a lot and a constant intent of spin doctoring doctrines puts a big question mark on the

    organization, from within the organization and probably outside of it as well.

    The WTS. is getting so nervous about all its recent exposure that they are now lying about what the WTS. even preached prior to 1914 .

    Of course people who do some research on to what was the WTS. preaching prior to that specific year will know the truth.

    This deceiving intent is only going to hurt the organization even more down the road.

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