Pulling the rug out from under the "apostates"

by konceptual99 20 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Ding

    Cptkirk said:

    seeing that nobody does have the clear cut answers, it's hard not to empathize to some extent with these guys.

    If there are no clear cut answers, then the GB should stop pretending that there are.

    Instead, they:

    (1) Micromanage JWs' lives via legalistic regulations that appear nowhere in the Bible

    (2) Announce as "truth" doctrines that are poorly thought out and that have to be replaced with "new light" a short time later

    (3) Proclaim as factual "invisible" occurrences for which there is no evidence whatsoever

    (4) Require JWs to give up educational and career opportunities based on end times assumptions that turn out to be wrong

    (5) Require JWs to forego lifesaving medical treatments based on prohibitions that are later abandoned

    (6) Demand uniformity of thought and action in the name of unity

    (7) Forbid JWs to question their decrees and doctrines

    (8) Disfellowship JWs who disobey or criticize their edicts

    (9) Refuse to reinstate disfellowhipped JWs when the rule or doctrine over which they were disfellowshipped is abandoned

    (10) Claim that Jehovah requires JWs to obey the GB even when their decrees or doctrines are wrong

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