Wow. Thanks for sharing. Once again- a typical JC meeting with elders trying to railroad this guy and showing annoyance towards his " independent " thinking. But I think this young man handled it well with dignity, and he didn't back down and I didn't see any disrespect in the 14 minute youtube. Just a guy standing up for what he believes in and being condemned for using his own mind to think.
I found it very interesting that one of the first elders talking agreed with AnonDude in that the Bible SHOULD be the reference for our beliefs. Then right then, Mr. " Organization man " elder interrupted stating that " your videos indicate you feel the faithful slave is incorrect . " Then the magic question, " Do you feel YOUR opinions are to be more sanctioned than the spirit or Jesus appointed faithful and discreet slave ? " Going for the kill shot indeed. then if that wasn't bad enough the elder tries to excuse his mom from gossipping or slansering him in the congregation yet puts him down for confronting his mom about her gossip. Double standards indeed.
I'll have to watch the other youtubes online, but I felt this young man showed restraint, maturity, and self control for sure during this ridiculous inquisition. Good luck Anon Dude, hope you are having less stress these days. We got your back