He's a smart kid. He knows his bible. He answered their questions and asked them very good questions. Good for him. And good for us!!!
Recorded Judicial Meeting by 19 year old
by BlindersOff1 43 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
And a good artist to
J. Hofer
i also recorded my JC, but it's no use, as it's in german, and not even "high german" but some austrian dialect noone understands... i'll be translating the interesting parts when i get some time.
Terry, Here's to more showoffs with the guts that Anondude2 has!
We need more and more and more of these appearing on youtube.
I have mixed feelings. This is exactly what a JW would expect of an "apostate".
Most of the "Why I left Jehovah's Witness" style videos by young men make them come off like jackasses.
There is one guy who is puffing on a big stogie and acting like an idiot as he recounts his DF-ing scenario.
Grandstanding isn't about anything but "look at me".
Agree Terry
The information he's trying to get through is weaken by his emotive rebellious attitude.
Perhaps next time he'll put forward something that looks a bit more intelligent and sincere.
He's making valid points but the theatrics dilute the information he's presenting.
Nevertheless proceed on Dude2
Pretty good though for a young 19 year old to realize what the WTS is and how it operates as a religious publishing house.
Its still a very good learning tool for people who wonder what elders say in a JC .
We are not here to answer you but to judge you .
I think he actually harms his own cause. It seems like he deliberately set the elders up and comes across as being a smart aleck who is asking to get DF'd. It does fit the negative perception JWs have of apostates.
Wasanelder Once
Everytime I hear a prayer uttered by a JW male it is the same feeling, revulsion.
It would be very difficult to direct the conversation in that setting. That is why it's 3 against 1. Even if 1 Elder is reasonable, the majority are company men, and are not interested in truth. It's a no win situation as far as winning an argument. The best you can hope for is recording their circular reasoning and keeping the conversation going long enough that their double-speak becomes clear. The basic problem is getting a JW to see that God does not have an organization/corporation. Believing that he does is the false premise that each Elder bases their " wisdom " on.
Despite what they may say, Elders believe the GB to be infallible. The fact that you are not allowed to say the GB makes mistakes, or that the WT contains errors proves it. As long as the collective Pope is infallible in the mind of JW's, nothing will change.
You know the word apostate refrain me from posting this in my Facebook page ...this will make my JW family not to open it ...lol