Pterist - Define spiritual values? Do all religions possess these values? How do you feel about those who practice Islam? Hindus? Scientologists?..Cantleave
Islam has values. Anyone who doesn't agree with them is an infidel (kaafir)...and should be destroyed. Women should submit to their husbands. And all should submit to Allah and the prophet Muhammads teachings.
Giving your life for Allah means that your slate is wiped clean of all wrong doing. So suicide bombers are praised and rewarded with 72 virgins in heaven.
Whats NOT to respect? They are VERY spiritual. Their belief is so strong they would die for their god...and do.
They also teach that you should give to people who have less than yourself, look after your family etc...all these things are weighed and measured in special books where angels keep track of your every thought and action. Too much naughty stuff and you're off to hell to be burnt and tortured. You will stay there for a period of time determined by how bad you have been. ie. sex before marriage (bad), not praying eight times a day (bad). All this is kept track of. And this you are judged by. But if you destroy kaafirs (suicide bombing), no matter how 'bad' you have been (like missing prayer everyday), straight to heaven. Your naughty book is wiped clean and virgins await. (what IS thier obsession with the virgins I wonder?)
This world is nothing more than a test for the next. It really has no other value other than to see if you should be punished or rewarded. It is a religion of the dead that has over a billion folllowers.
Sounds like a fantastic way to live doesn't it?
Those are NOT values...those are doctrines that are followed out of fear of punishment.
What on earth makes people think that religions like this deserve to be respected?