CO want to talk to me

by goodsoul 34 Replies latest jw experiences


    The CO has zero faith in the friends. Zero, They are dumb sheep, people of the earth, they must be constantly goaded by " Shepherds " or they will leave God the organization. He really believes this. Most of the Elders do as well. They believe that they are stars in Jesus' hand, straight out of Revelation!! They think that they are barriers against apostasy, just like Jesus' disciples. They jump when the GB says so, and they ask " How High?" while still in the air! They are fear driven, or power driven men, who sadly do not really know Christ or the Father.

    Visible works are all that matter to them and that is a fact, no matter what they say. Their actions prove it. Just quit performing, quit striving after the wind, quit paying for what is not bread.. They will get along without you, and feel great while doing it! They will have toured the facility and picked up the slack! They will have poured themselves out for the GB! Satisfying their need for validation will " prove " that they are spiritually strong crags, hiding places from the tempestous winds of apostacy and doubt! They will have received their reward in full..

  • redvip2000

    My advice is actually to meet with the CO. You already mentioned doubts you have, so at this point they already probably have enough to call you to a JC meeting.

    If I were you, I would play the system at this point. Meet with him, tell him that you still believe in the Borg, but that you are burned out because of personal issues and work and, that this is leading to some emotional issues at every level. Most likely he will think that you are just stressed out and will think it's reasonable for you to step down. Then, simply never show up again.


    I apologize if that last comment was judgmental. It was a little dramatic, I must have watched too much of the OSCARS last night.

  • kjg132

    If you think they will ask you to a JC.....Completely avoid contact. The elders book states to never leave an invitation to a JC on an answering machine. We did not take calls, we did not answer our door. When the certified mail slip came in the mail, we never even took it out of the box, much less sign for it....If you don't sign for it..they send it back...then the elders book says to let the matter stay in abeyance (leave it alone) and that is what happened. Then we moved. A lot of people don't realize they can't call you to a JC if they don't make personal contact with you, and they can't ask your wife without asking you too.

  • BluesBrother

    Hello goodsoul.

    Realizing the truth about The Truth (anacronim TTATT) is a very difficult position when you are a serving Elder. It happened to me too. I took it more slowly though. I started telling my wife , who did not join me and is still "in". Then I discussed with the P/O , saying I was "spiritually low". When I had to give items, I felt a real hypocrite but it had to be done. Eventually , about six months later i was able to resign and then slip into inactivity .

    I would tell the C/O that you are "down" "depressed" "over worked" "need a break to re charge your spiritual batteries" that kind of thing. Then just slowly slip away from the congregation

    Best wishes

  • Giordano

    goodsoul you sound like good person. Follow the best advice that you can. KJg132 gave you excellent advice on advoiding contact.

    Let us know how things are going.

  • goodsoul

    Thanks to all for your responses!

    Elders and COs logic is pretty clear for me and I don't have any illusions about how quick they will kick me off.

    I see, that the only one option is to go this way. CO knows me as pretty usable tool, so I doubt, that he would want to get rid of me quickly only on base on two elders opinion. I had pretty good relationships in a past with these two elders, who met with me. I know, that this is nothing when they considering me as apostate. But they were quite insistant during our meetings with them and blandish me to be as at "good old times".

    So I think to write email and send to CO and P/O and say something like: I have very tough time, so I don't think I will be able to be example for the flock at these period and serve as an elder. Local elders were trying to met with me few times, but I feel their insistance and pushing me to attend meetings or serve as an elder. I am not ready to do that at the moment. I need more time to settle down my life and thoughts, and I don't want to discuss anything for now and to regret afterward about it.

    And GONE after that and avoid any any contact with them. I think it's quite possible, since we do not contact with anyone else from congregation. Maybe even to change place of living(it's pretty complicated, but possible- to have quietness).

    Anyway, thanks everyone for advices!

  • RayPublisher

    We are praying for you goodsoul!! You will handle this intelligently and escape their tricks.

    BTW I sent you a PM brother.

  • problemaddict

    Goodsoul. May I ask what your native language is?

    Ok so you said you didn't talk to anyone but some elders. So you could say the following. You brought some questions of faith to the "older men" as instructed by scripture. You're conscience will not allow you to serve currently, so you would like to step down.

    If someone wants to get not let them. Do not open up. Do not be fooled. Just stick to your, "personal reasons" diatribe. If the CO wants to meet with you, and it will keep you from gettings DF'd, go for it. Just make sure you stick to your guns. You were discussing questions of faith with the older men and that is all. You are content to wait on Jehovah. You would like to step down for "personal reasons".

    That is all. Do not be baited further, and do not get emotional about it. Let us know how we can help. You are among friends.

  • cobaltcupcake

    Good luck! I hope everything works out well for you.

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