Is it disrespectful to call God by his name?

by BU2B 39 Replies latest jw friends

  • BU2B

    This seems to me to be yet another flawed reasoning from the WT. God is supposed to be JW's "father". It always seemed a bit strange even when I was mentally in, the argument they used to support using the name Jehovah. They argue that its impersonal to call someone by their title and not their name. Ok ill give them that. But refering to and praying to your heavenly father should be more personal than that.

    With a human father, most would never dream of saying; hey Fred, how have you been? as an example. Most say dad or father. Jesus always called him Father and instructed his followers to pray referring to God as Father. It seems far more intimate to refer to God as our heavenly Father as opposed to praying to God by his first name as it were.

    I welcome your thoughts, has anyone else ever thought of this too?

  • prologos

    how about ABBA Mark 14:36 --Abba let this cup pass--- Jesus ELI " 15:34-- Eli, Eli, lama--- Jesus

    ABBA Rom. 8: 15 -- WE cry out ABBA--- Disciples

  • QC

    Yes, Jehovah is not a feature of the NT. I agree totally. It is discuss here

    ISV Mt 23:9 ‘don't call anyone on earth 'Father,' because you have only one Father, the one in heaven’

  • Finkelstein

    Pist ... god doesn't have a name

  • Retrovirus

    I askedthe jw ladies who "studied" wit me about that, especially given the instruction and example of Jesus. Their opening and closing prayers were full of "Jehovah God" this and that, as if He needed reminding. They avoided answering directly, as so often.

    Slightly tangential, they justified "Jehovah" rather than "Yahweh" as it was the most popular usage in the world. I asked "in Satan's world?" Another change of topic followed.


  • Ding

    Interesting that Jesus directed his prayers to "Father" and told his disciples to do the same (Matthew 6:9)

    I don't think the NWT quotes Jesus as directly using the name "Jehovah" whether in prayer or otherwise.

    Granted, Jesus' was God's Son, but doesn't the WTS teach that while on earth he was a perfect man -- no more, no less? If so, wouldn't he have modeled what he wanted his disciples to do? If use of the divine name is so important, why doesn't the NWT ever directly quote Jesus as using it?

    Likewise, if Jesus believed it was important to use the name, why isn't there any record of any controversy between Jesus and the Jewish leaders with regard to this issue?

  • Finkelstein

    Yahweh ( pron.: / ' j ?? w e? / or / ' j ?? hw e? / ; Hebrew : ???? ‎), is the name of the national god of Israel in the Hebrew Bible .

    In the oldest biblical literature (12th-11th centuries) Yahweh is described as a typical ancient Near Eastern "divine warrior" and storm god who leads his heavenly army against Israel's enemies. He and Israel are bound by a covenant (a feature unique in ancient Near Eastern religion) under which Yahweh will protect Israel and give them space to live and fertility for their land and crops, and Israel in turn will not worship other gods.

    The archaeological evidence suggests that the Israelites arose peacefully and internally in the highlands of Canaan ;in the words of archaeologist William Dever , "most of those who came to call themselves Israelites ... were or had been indigenous Canaanites." What distinguished Israel from other emerging Iron Age Canaanite societies was the belief in Yahweh as the national god, rather than, for example, Chemosh , the god of Moab , or Milcom , the god of the Ammonites .

  • bsmart

    Regards the word Abba, I have been told it is an intimate term, more like "Daddy" Can anyone verify this?

  • QC


  • FingersCrossed

    To Asian culture it is a total DISRESPECT!!

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