The CO asked for money tonight at the meeting.

by life is to short 55 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Finkelstein

    He started out by talking about the old story that has been in the WT many times about a little boy who was seven and raised a chicken and gave the money to the Society. The CO went on and on and on about how wonderful that was and how we here in the US have so much and how that dollar that little boy gave could have feed his family, etc but no he gave it all to Jehovah.

    Maybe the kid wouldn't have given that dollar if he knew that the WTS. is rich with money or maybe if he saw J Rutherford drive by in one of his

    lavish Cadillacs wearing one of his hand tailored suits with his mistress (not his wife) beside him .

    In many cases the WTS. operates on guilt , are you working steadfast for Jehovah are giving all you can for Jehovah ?

    Why didn't the Co come out and be honest and say the WTS. has avast hundreds of millions out people from being devious

    and corrupt as well lying about the REAL wealth of the organization.

    The problem that occurs within the WTS. organization is that it is so regimented to where money is drawn in and where and to whom it goes to,

    that COs overtime who feed financially off the circuit they look after have to ask for money for simple things like living expenses.

    So the guilt speech gets played out occasionally.

  • punkofnice

    ...and what exactly is the CO giving that he hasn't leeched from the R&F?

    What honest employment does he have?

    ....and I'm not talking about him and the C.O.W. getting a free ride at the R&F's expense.

    CO's are paid clergy. Most of the ones I knew were arrogant bullies.

  • respectful_observer

    If contributions to the WTS are indeed drying up, I would not be surprised to see an increase in the number of letters going out "to all congregations in [your branch territory]"; the letters would "suggest" the congregation decide a fixed (recommended) per publisher amount to send to the WTS for "X" type of expense. Today we do it for expenses for the CO visit, the CO's health/car insurance, etc. What would stop them from doing the same thing for the cost of producing literature, paying the untility bills at the branch, paying the cell phone/page bills for the Bethelites, building the new Warwick facility, bringing the missionaries home for a convention (wait, they already did that one), etc.? They could still claim that there were "no collections taken" at the meeting, but a congregation vote on paying these expense will always pass due to group guilt. That way the congregation on the whole is on the hook for the contribution and the WTS gets all the money it needs.

  • Xanthippe

    the old story that has been in the WT many times about a little boy who was seven and raised a chicken and gave the money to the Society. The CO went on and on and on about how wonderful that was and how we here in the US have so much and how that dollar that little boy gave could have feed his family, etc but no he gave it all to Jehovah.

    I've never understood why stories about people giving up money that could have been used to feed themselves is a good example!

  • Tylinbrando

    Every CO I knew received plenty of "green" handshakes. Perhaps they should donate to the alleged "needs" of the WBT$ out of their weekly take?

  • Heaven

    Satanus "I would volunteer to send that little boy a bunch of eggs, so he can raise a bunch of chickens for the wt society."

    Satanus, you and Basement Cat are on the same wavelength.

    BC's Grow Your Own Chicken Kit

  • erbie

    How much does he need???

    Only, the household bills take up most of my earnings but I'm sure that if me and the kids went hungry I could spare him a little.

    Probably not enough to prop up the org but hey, every little helps!

    And...I'd be storing up treasures in heaven

  • BluesBrother

    For Data Dog:

    Proclaimers p 341

    "As early as the second issue of the Watch Tower, in August 1879, Brother Russell stated: “‘Zion’s Watch Tower’ has, we believe, JEHOVAH for its backer, and while this is the case it will never beg nor petition men for support. When He who says: ‘All the gold and silver of the mountains are mine,’ fails to provide necessary funds, we will understand it to be time to suspend the publication.” Consistent with that, there is no begging for money in the literature of Jehovah’s Witnesses.

    What is true of their literature is also true of their meetings. There are no emotional appeals for funds in their congregations or at their conventions. No collection plates are passed; no envelopes in which to put money are distributed; no letters of solicitation are sent to congregation members. Congregations never resort to bingo or raffles to raise funds. As early as 1894, when the Watch Tower Society sent out traveling speakers, it published this notice for the benefit of everyone: “Let it be understood from the first that collections or other solicitations of money are neither authorized nor approved by this Society.”

    Thus, since very early in their modern-day history, handbills and other printed invitations to the public to attend the meetings of Jehovah’s Witnesses have carried the slogan “Seats Free. No Collections."

  • wasblind

    And...I'd be storing up treasures in heaven ____erbie

    Hello there erbie

    Are you plannin' on usin' your treasures when you get there ????

    the last I read , you won't be goin'

    Jus' sayin

  • Red Piller
    Red Piller

    LITS- I found it very disturbing and pushy, also.

    See the thread I started, not too long ago:

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