How stupid! I would have been ashamed for anyone to know that i was a JW!!! I guess he was drunk when he went to court too!!
DUI Defendant Tries to Place Awake With My Prosecutor Daughter
by Justitia Themis 42 Replies latest jw friends
Your daughter should ask him "Oh! You're a JW? Which congregation do you go to? I'll call your elders and let them know that I saw you here!"
Justitia Themis
LOL - How did that go down?
During a break in the proceedings, he strolled over and presented it to her. Of course, she's the prosecutor and can't communicate with him without his attorney, so she just gave him the look of death and walked away. Apparently, he has been an "asshole" throughout the whole process.
His attorney told her the defendant was JW a while back, and she just laughed.
She sees the 'JW defense' all the time, but this particular defendant isn't using it. Once, she told the judge that she knew the defendant was misstating something because JWs do not believe that way. The judge asked her, "And just how do you know THAT Ms. Prosecutor!" She didn't say she was raised as one, but instead said much of her family is JW. She knew she wouldn't win, because merely having JW family members doesn't qualify her as a JW expert, but she wanted all the JWs in the gallery to know they couldn't pull any sh*t with her.
What was it that he said that he believed, that wasn't actually true?
Somehow I doubt that a defendant offering the prosecutor an Awake! would make her likely to request a free home Bible study...
Wow...what a Dip-$hit. Thanks for sharing.
That's so cool that your daughters a prosecutor...just curious, were you already fading when she decided to go to college to become an attourney? Did you get flack from the elders?
Awww the "fine conduct" witness. No doubt a future AWAKE! experience!!!!
"and later while picking up litter along the roadside.....placed ( ) magazines with passing motorists"- "do you use your time wisely?"
Is Andre in court again?