well, cool story, and I'm so glad you're both so successful in life. As for the DUI idiot, I hope he gets years in the slammer for injuring people like that.
DUI Defendant Tries to Place Awake With My Prosecutor Daughter
by Justitia Themis 42 Replies latest jw friends
That's funny, who knows what this guy is thinking. Some kind of nut case anyway.
Btw, JT has not only one but two very successful daughters. We were in the same congo and I can vouch for everything she says.
Is Andre in court again? LOL!
LoisLane looking for Superman
Wow. What a well balanced, intelligent, forward thinking woman you are. What a terrific role model for your girls. Thank you for sharing, your daughter's day at Court. What an arrogant JW jerk, trying to get out of a DUI by "placing" a magazine. (facepalm - shaking head) Now I think I have heard everything. lol I have enjoyed reading everyone's comments. You are all so funny. lol
Just Lois
I think that this would be a good experience to re-enact during the circuit assembly. onward christian soldier.
This is a great story. I have had many experiences as an "apostate" in which I was working with or otherwise around JW's who had no idea. They are supposed to "hate" us, but they would be shocked if they realized they sat down next to me at McDonald's and struck up a conversation.
I worked for an attorney who had a JW client. That client called me one day to introduce herself. I had already seen from her medical records that she was a JW. I was very professional, of course, and said nothing. Oh, if she only knew that I was one she had been instructed to hate!
In 2003, I went to London, England and met up with another ex-JW to go to the Watchtower House (as they call it over there) and leave a couple of stuffed lambs. On the plane on the way over, I sat next to two JW's who had been to Patterson to their daughter's Gilead graduation or something like that. They were very solicitous of my well being. I was laughing inside the whole time.
We should take the attitude of, "Go ahead, hate me. But I might be the one you have to ask for help some time, and you won't know you're being served by an 'apostate.'"
You are why they invented the term " brazen conduct." When the Elders are wrong and they know it, they can still DF you!
What a great story... maybe he wanted to get his revenge for being persecuted so he was making sure she is 'taken care of' at the big A. You know, since she can't say she didn't have a chance to hear the good news now.