Governing Body Member Talking To Psychiatrist About Being In The Faithful & Discreet Slave Delusion

by frankiespeakin 74 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • frankiespeakin

    Psyc: So how have you come to this conclusion about being what you call a faithful slave of Jesus Christ?

    Morris: Well you see Jesus gave a parable that About this slave and we members of the Governing Body have strong evidence that we are that slave and that the parable in Matthew 24 about the slave is prophetic and it refers to us.

    Psy: But that is just a parable, how do you know it is prophetic?

    Morris: Well first you need faith in Jehovah before before I can even begin to explain to you how it all works

    Psyc: Okay lets pretend I got faith so try

  • irondork

    Morris: Okay, drink this first.

    Psyc. What is it?

    Morris: Just drink it. It'll help you digest everything else I'm about to tell you.

  • frankiespeakin

    Morris: Well you see if you take a day for year and you look in Daniel chapter___ and you make 360 day for each time and multiply it by 7 you get 2,520 you then subtract 607 from 2520 you get 1913 but you don't have a zero year and so you get 1914.

    Psyc: Well that's very interesting Anthony but what does this have to do with you thinking your a Faithful and Discreet Slave that bible prophecy foretold?

    Morris: I'm getting to that but it will take some time because we got lots of proof to cover in order to explain that.

    Psyc: I see, well thanks for attempting I think we are making progress, it seems very complicated for sure please keep explaining.

    Morris: Well you see when I try to explain it I get a tension headache and feel confused so I made need some time and a bottle of aspirin.

    Psyc: Well let me see if I got any? O here it is how many do you want?

    Morris: 6 I need 6 I think I'm getting a Migrane and my palms are getting all sweaty.

  • frankiespeakin

    Psyc: Well I'm not surprised, seems like we are getting some where so please try to keep on going as we need to get to the bottom of this problem. We are touching on some very sensitive areas and so there will be discomfort(cognitive dissonance).

    Morris: That why I'm comming to you to stop this awful pain that happens every time I try to review what I beleive and why.

    Psyc: Well that is natural and the only way we can get you through this is to expreince the pain with absolute honesty.

    Morris: I was kind of hopeing you could just give me some medicine that would make me better.

    Psyc: That would be nice but I think we are going to have to have many more session to get to the bottom of this, and medicine won't really be helpful.

  • frankiespeakin

    Psyc: Anthony lets take a little break from this discussion that is causing you pain, and let me change the subject for a momment.

    Morris: That's sound good I'm starting to feel better already.

    Psyc: Good, okay tell me a little about your childhood. How would you discribe your relationship with your mother and father, and what was life like for you when you were growing up in your home.

    Morris: Well my mother was very domineering and my father was well I don't want to really talk about my father he was never there.

    Psyc: I see why do you feel your mother was domineering?

    Morris: Well I really love my mother and it hurts me to even say this but she was always yelling, I think she chased my father away, everything had to be just right and she put me under a lot of pressure to be better than all the other kids.

    Psyc: Really, so do you feel her prodings were excessive?

    Morris: Yes but she did the best she could so I'm not mad at her or anything.

    Psyc: I see tell me more.

  • frankiespeakin

    Morris: My mother was firm and didn't take any lip from me because she knew how to use a belt, and when she did she did it out of love, she would repeat over and over again "spare the rod and spoil the child" and she also always said:"this is going to hurt me more than it is going to you"

    Psyc: I see, so you felt she was justified?

    Morris: Yes, and I beleived her too, except for the "this is going to hurt me more part" (laughs)

    Psyc: Yeah that seems to be a rather common saying that parents used, to feel more justified an in the right when beating their kids.

    Morris: Probably but I deserved it so I got it.

  • frankiespeakin

    Psyc: So lets get back to: how you know your the prophetic Faithful and Wise Servant Jesus Gave a parable about.

    Morris: Actually your making me sound a little haughty because I never really said I act a lone in this position as Faithful and Discreet Slave, I like to use that term better than faithful and wise servant it sounds better to my ears

    Psyc: Okay FAithful and Discreet Slave if it makes you feel more comfortable.

    Morris: Thank you, I don't like the way other translation of the bible use different terminology and beside our corporation's bible translation is better than any other bible in the world, we had scholars rewrite it.

    Psyc: Well thats good to know so tell me more.

    Morris: Gladly, you see I'm not the only one that make up the F&DS there are currantly 8 of us, we are all equals and we have a very important work to do as Jesus prophetic Faithful Slave, we have to direct our followers to keep preaching and keep the organization clean by not sparing the rod so to speak.

    Psyc: Interesting, so does everybody in your corporation believe you and your seven companions are the Faithful Slave?

    Morris: As far as I know they do because we don't tolerate any disloyalty or disbeleif of our position, and we always are telling them to listen and obey, we even have a song with that title it's called "Listen, Obey and Be Blessed" it makes me get all teary eyed when I hear little children sing it they are so cute and adorable.

    Psyc: So Anthony do you like it when children sing that song or just any song?

    Morris: That song there is no song like it, its got a wonderful melody you want me to sing a few bars?

    Psyc: No that won't be necessary.

  • jwfacts


    You could add this too:

    • ... you get 2,520. you then subtract 2 years from when Babylon fell in 539 to arrive at 537, then count back 70 years to 607. Then subtract 607 from 2520 ...
  • Fernando

    Het frankiespeaking!

    This deserves a website all on its own.

    Or at least a page on JWSurvey.

  • frankiespeakin

    Thanks for the reply guys, just trying to make up a fictitious senerio and make it sound real.

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