Governing Body Member Talking To Psychiatrist About Being In The Faithful & Discreet Slave Delusion

by frankiespeakin 74 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • frankiespeakin

    Psyc: So Anthony did you get a chance to look up False Dilemma?

    Morris: Yeah but I'll tell ya it sounds like "Higher Education" and I read some stuff about "philosophy" and just mentioning those words are a big turn off to me.

    Psyc: Why is that Anthony?

    Morris: Well as prominant CEO of this corpration I had to give a lechure about the evils of a "Higher Education" because we are loosing so many young ones and higher education is tearing them to shreds they are loosing their spirituality and going after material things because the world has been able to squeeze them into a mold that conforms to the desires of Satan God's number one enemy. And one of the things I brought up in that talk was Philosohpy 1 and Philosophy 2 as a requirement of higher education that make our young member flip out and leave the "Truth" and you know that has got to be the Devil's doings. Beware of the voice of Strangers Stephan Lett really nailed it when he said that, yes the devil is every where even in the voice of strangers who don't beleive us when we say: "We are the Faith and Discreet Slave" of Jesus Christ fortold in the scriptures almost 2000 years ago. Hallelujah! Amen.! (Sorry just couldn't resist I know Anthooooony would never say that, he's mister tight ass himself).

  • frankiespeakin

    Good call Satan. yeah you can see the animal instincts in the reasoning and after all we all are animals even if we like to think our species is closer to God than an animal. Which is neither good nor bad but simply is.

  • Satanus

    Thing is, animal nature is material based and earth based, and of course, we have it. God is supposed to be spirit based, which is the ultimate, non ego, non animal in nature. Yet, the jw biblegod is the alpha male animal in the way he is seen by jws, more animal than most humans are, these days. All jws are like his flock of females, which he jealously guards, just like an elk, a wild sheep or many other animals do. I know that some dubs would be proud to hear that they are jehovahs flock. It's not a spiritual thing, though. Its further evidence that humans created the biblegod. They based him on their own animal nature at the time, or on some of the animals around them.


  • Juan Viejo2
    Juan Viejo2

    Psych: Hang on for just a minute! Did you say each year had 360 days? But a year has 365.23 days. That makes no sense. You'd be off by almost 37 years using that calculation. So what you are doing is substituting solar years for lunar years or vice versa.

    Morris: Thanks! you just gave me an idea! All the Governing Body needs to do is recalculate and then come up with a new "1914"! Thanks Doc!


  • frankiespeakin

    Psyc: Well that seems like a pretty negative outlook on education. Why is education causeing young ones to leave your Corporation?

    Morris: Well it the Devil, he know he has a short period of time left to rule this earth and he makeing the best use of that time to get our young ones to leave God's Organization so that they will perish with the rest of the world under his control.

    Psyc: I noticed you said "God's Organization" what is that exactly?

    Morris: Well from the book of Ezekiel we get a picture of it. It this huge chariot with gigantic double wheels full of eyes and Jehovah sits on top, with 4 very high ranking angels at the cardinal points, and Jehovah is all glowing with fire all around him. That's the picture of Jehovah's Chariot like Organization, and the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society Corporation is the visible part of that organization. You see there is both a visible and invisible to Jehovah chariot like Organization.

    Psyc: Wow is all I can say (while he quickly writes down in his pad: Patient suffers from wild and preposterous delusions about the corporation he is running).

  • frankiespeakin

    Psyc: Well that is going to take a lot of faith for me to believe that.

    Morris: You see I wasn't kidding you when I said you need faith to understand what I'm saying properly.

    Psyc: Yes Anthony I see what you mean it is quite a stretch to connect everything up, in fact it takes great leaps in logic and a heavy does of Black and white thinking.

    Morris: Well I don't think it is that simple but I will give you the benefit of the doubt on this one because you don't have faith.

    Psyc: Well thank you for being patient with me on this one it is a very hard pill to swallow.

  • frankiespeakin

    Morris: Told ya

    Psyc: You sure did. Are their any other reason for not likeing higher education besides Satan is out to get people?

    Morris: Yes it's much more than that. For one Biology and the theory of evolution that has taken a toll on our young ones and so now they don't beleive in Jehovah no more which make me sad and Jehovah sad as well. Then don't get me started on critical thinking and Philosophy, archaeology, science, physics, comparative religious studies, and the like I can go on and on...

    Psyc: I see what you mean all those subjects are taking a toll on the Corporation you run.

    Morris: Exactly and so you got to fight fire with fire and so we will delete any ministerial servant or elder who sends his children to college if they don't pioneer and go to college at the same time. But of course we would much rather they not even go to college and so any servant that promotes going to college looses his freeness of speech and is removed from his privilege of service.

    Psyc: Wow that sounds cruel.

    Morris: Well it might sound cruel to you because you don't have faith but beleive me we are only thinking about their welfare because this college thing is a real thorn in our side.

    Psyc: I'm getting the picture now(quickly writes down patient shows great lack of empathy toward members as a result of delusional thinking about his corporation being an instrument of God possible Narcisssistic personality disorder).

  • frankiespeakin

    Psyc: So Anthony what about the future of the young ones in your organization? How will they support themselve when they get older and have families if they don't have good paying jobs?

    Morris: Well we have been against college for a long time so many are doing ok with just a high school education and we even have many who have their children bypass the local education system and do home schooling so they won't be contaminated with the world and its thinking. Many of these people are doing ok. And besides Armageddon is just around the corner so most won't even get old enough to have families because it is that close. Better to be safe than sorry I say. We have lots of jobs availible for unskilled work like window washers, cleaning services, hot dog stands, clerks, and the like that don't require a higher education. If one is not materialistic they should be happy with the bare minimum while they wait for God to take control over the earth and then they will have an abundance of material things because Jehovah will open up the flood gates of heaven and richly bless them for loyal service to his Organization.

    Psyc: I see your rationalization, you feel your stand on education is in the best interest of everybody children included.

    Morris: I think your getting the picture doc.

  • 00DAD

    CORRECTION: IN MY Post # 5708 I meant to say NEXT WEEK'S article, not this week's. Sorry for any confusion.

  • frankiespeakin

    Psyc: Well I'm trying, by the way what did you think of that article on "False Dilemma"?

    Morris: I thought it was boring because it didn't make sense to me, and I disagree with the assumption that a dilemma is false if it only gives two options. Sometimes there really are only 2 options. Like serve Jehovah you live and don't serve Jehovah you die. "Obey and be blessed" sounds very logical without making up all kinds of options in additon to the only natural one left which is: "Disobey and be cursed". How can you have another 3rd option in this situation. You see this "false dilemma" stuff isn't taking this into account.

    Psyc: Anthony, That is black and white thinking when you can't see any other option than 2. You should expand your thinking to see that even in the example you gave their are more options then 2.

    Morris: O, so what are the other options?

    Psyc: Well first you have to recognize that these 2 choices you mention are just purely hypothetical statements that have no proof of being a reality.

    Morris: What do you mean this is hypothetical, it is not hypothetical but a proven fact. Take the flood of Noah's day that wiped out the whole world except Noah and his family because they were righteous and obeyed Jehovah, this is a proven fact because they have found sea shells on mountain tops way above sea level and the only way they could get up there is by a flood that covered all of the highest mountains of the earth.

    Psyc: I don't think this is a proven fact and the evidence you sight doesn't prove their was a flood, unless one is drowning in black and white thinking.

    Morris: Well I think your reasoning is circular logic and is more black and white than my thinking and so you are guilty of a false dilemma.

    Psyc: Well lets move on now to something else as argueing this point won't help you see the other options because you are steeped in black and white thinking, and really Anthony you need to get out of this in order for you to get better. Remember I said the only way we are going to beat this thing is with brutal honesty.

    Morris: Ok lets move on to some other subject this one is starting to make my headache come back.

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