Governing Body Member Talking To Psychiatrist About Being In The Faithful & Discreet Slave Delusion

by frankiespeakin 74 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • frankiespeakin

    Psyc: Anthony instead of humming a few bars of one of your favorite songs, maybe we could talk about this forbiding your members to take blood transfussions?

    Morris: Well doc that was a law in our corporation that was made by a previous member of the Faithful Slave way back when I was in Vietnam fighting the Commies. And while I don't think Jehovah would mind if we let people take blood I don't want to risk getting Jehovah mad in case he really does mind and bring some kind of his displeasure on our corporation.

    Psyc: So are you willing to risk your followers lives all because your not sure it will make Jehovah mad?

    Morris: Yeah I know that sound bad but Jehovah will ressurrect them even if they do die and so it's not a permanant loss you see, that's the way I see it with a clean conscience. These are tuff decisions that we collectively who make up the Faithfull Slave have to deal with, I'm only one vote out of eight and we need a 2/3 majority to change this law so I say what the heck my yeah or nay is a long way off from really makeing a difference on that one any how. And besides the last person that tried to change that law later on was disfellowshipped for associating with a disfellowshipped person, so I kinda view this as a not so good of a topic amoung my fellow Faithful Slave members.

  • mind blown
    mind blown

    Ha.....I love it!

  • frankiespeakin

    Psyc: Lets get back to your Faithful Discreet Slave interpetation as applying to the 8 CEOs of your corporation shall we.

    Morris: Okay, well you see back in the days of the 1st president of the mother corporation of Watch Tower Bible & Tract Society we thought that He was the Faithful Slave of Jesus parable, but later we cleared that misunderstanding up and found out from our research in the bible that the F&DS was not one man.

    Psyc: So let me see if I understand you properly. Your saying while the 1st president of your corporation was alive and running the business we was know as the F&DS but sometime after he died they changed their understanding. WHy did they do that?

    Morris: Well it was rather obvious that we overlooked something, we also thought that 1874 ended the 6000 years of man's existance which miraculously coincided with when we started publishing the WT, later we found by looking closely in the bible that 6000 years of man's existence landed on the date 1975.

    Psyc: How are you able to still have faith in your corporation's bible understanding when they keep changing it all the time doesn't that weaken your faith?

    Morris: No it don't weaken our faith because we look at it as a test of our faith, you see the bible say as the dark night gives way to the to the light of day so the path of the righteous one gets brighter and brighter, so understanding of the bible comes in dribs and drabs not all at once.

    Psyc: I got to say Anthony that doesn't seem to be very logical.

    Morris: Well as I said before you won't understand my explanation unless you have faith, it is going to be difficult. You see Jehovah makes these situation to test our faith and see what's in our hearts.

    Psyc: Well I think I'm starting to get the picture.

  • frankiespeakin

    Psyc: So Anthony why would Jehovah(anthony imaginary friend shhh!), want to make situations to test your members faith, what purpose does it serve?

    Morris: Well for me to answer that you would have to understand the issue of "Universal Sovereignty" and then every thing would be crystal clear.

    Psyc: Ok explain the Issue as you call it.

    Morris: Hey I remember the days when I used to count my time witnessing talking about these things, those were the days out in service and all, haven't done that in years.

    Psyc: Try to stay focused and tell me about the issue of universal dominion.

    Morris: It's "Universal Sovereignty" not universal dominions you got to get the words right or you will miss the whole point. You see Jehovah's rulership was challenged back in the garden of eden with adam&eve when they ate the forbidden friut call "knowledge of good and bad".

    Psyc: Are there anymore of these trees left?

    Morris: No the tree of knowledge was washed away in the flood so there are no more restriction on it today we don't even know what it looked like and I'm willing to bet it wasn't an apple like the catholic church teaches it's members, could have looked like a pear or maybe some type of berry tree the thing is nobdy knows.

    Psyc: Sorry for asking that question because we are getting off track, so back to the issue thing.

    Morris: Well Jehovah's sovereignty was challenged by one smart guy Satan who used a snake to talk to Eve and she was an inexperienced female and then Adam who didn't want to lose his wife stuck by her and ate the fruit with her but she ate it first. So from that point on all the angels were starting to have doubts about Jehovah and his rulership because later a whole bunch of angels joined forces with Satan before the flood and they had to dematerialize just to save their lives or else they would drown but they striped their earthly bodies and went back to heaven and now they are the unseen rulers along with Satan of this world controlling governments and everything in opposition to Jehovah's Sovereignty. So Jehovah in his infinate wisdom choose to let Satan and his demon angels ruler over mankind to answer the question of who's rulership is better. ANd today Jehovah is getting ready to wipe them off the face of the earth because enough time has elapsed to show God wins his ruleship is better.

  • Scott77

    Psyc: "So are you willing to risk your followers lives all because your not sure it will make Jehovah mad?"

    Morris: 'Yeah I know that sound bad but Jehovah will ressurrect them even if they do die and so it's not a permanant loss you see, that's the way I see it with a clean conscience..."

    I thought that part was really interesting. I liked it


  • frankiespeakin

    Psyc: So Anthony why is it important that Jehovah win this bet with Satan?

    Morris: Well Satan is his main enemy you better hope Satan never wins because if Satan win their will be hell to pay for the whole human family. You see all these wars, earthquakes, and people dying from sickness and hunger, that's what Satans rule brings. Now Jehovah's rule brings us life and health, and paradise all good things not an ounce of bad. Jehovah's rule verse Satans the difference is Black and White, Good verse Bad, nobody in their right mind would want Satan rule.

    Psyc: You mentions Black&White and Good&Bad as absolutes, do you know anything about the harm we cause ourselves when we engage in this type of thinking in absolutes with no middle ground.

    Morris: Don't worry about me doc my thinking has more dept to it than just black and white at least I'm pretty sure it is.

    Psyc: When a person has black and white thinking it is hard for them to recognize it, and I'm glad you leave open a possiblity that you might be mistaken.

    Morris: Well I don't think I'm mistaken I'm more like 99.9% sure and .1% unsure.

    Psyc: 99.9% sure is a start in the right direction, because nobody has all the important answer to life, maybe latter we can get to lower % of sureness.

    Morris: Well your'e just saying that because you don't know the "Truth" that has all the answers, I amost feel like asking you to have a bible study with me.

    Psyc; Anthony you can look at this session as a kind of bible study if you like.

    Morris: Sort of killing 2 birds with 1 stone.

    Psyc: Exactly.

  • frankiespeakin

    Psyc: Perhaps we can kill 2 birds with 1 stone. We would be making progress this way.

    Morris: Well I'm glad your'e in agreement. I have lots of duties being part of the Faithful Slave so time is important we only have a short period of time for you to get the message right,, your entire future is at stake.

    Psyc: I will keep that in mind.

    Morris: Back to the issue of "Universal Sovereignty" You see there is a great battle going on in heaven and earth over who has the right to rule.

    Psyc: Anthony who makes the final call on who wins this issue?

    Morris: Jehovah does.

    Psyc: Well that doesn't seem very fair for Jehovah to decide in this matter is their some one higher than him who determines the winner?

    Morris: No Jehovah's the highest person there is so he decides who wins.

    Psyc: How do you know that Jehovah wants to win? Maybe he don't really care one way or the other?

    Morris: Are you kidding? Of course Jehovah wants to win, in the bible it says: "The nations will know that I am Jehovah"

    Psyc: Wait a minute are you saying your'e Jehovah?

    Morris: Don't be silly I didn't say I was Jehovah, I said "The nations will know I am Jehovah" in the sense that God wants to win this debate and silence all opposers, thus making a great name for himself.

    Psyc: O I get it now. But don't you think that that is a great leap in logic to assume this scripture can be used to show Jehovah wants to win the bet with Satan, where is the connection?

    Morris: Now who's haveing a problem with black& White thinking? Sure there is a connection you just don't have enough bible knowledge to connect the dots.

    Psyc: Jehovah seems kind of fradgile to me if he is that worried about what people think of him, don't you feel he has an insecurity problem if he has got to make a great name for himself.

    Morris: I don't think so, I look at it as more like he has to rightfully put down all challanges to his soverneignty to maintain his rightful position of authority over all that he created after all he is the Creator it is his right to demand absolute devotion and worship.

    Psyc: I kind of see it as an unhealthy Jealousy that Jehovah is dealing with.

    Morris: Yes if humans had that type of jealousy then it would be unhealthy but Jehovah it's different when he is jealous it is always for a good cause, and doesn't show him to be insecure at all infact quite the opposite.

  • Abandoned Pathways
    Abandoned Pathways

    Loving this :)

  • frankiespeakin

    Psyc: Anthony why doesn't Jehovah deal more kindly with people? Can't you see that the image you have of Jehovah can create problems in your psyche?

    Morris: I'm afraid your wrong on this one doc. The image that I have of Jehovah is the correct one according to the bible, and since Jehovah is the greatest physician and their is none higher how could that ever be harmful to my psychological well being? After all we were created in his image and so he's got to be good for the psyche.

    Psyc: Well Anthony when I read the bible about jehovah he seems kind of petty and goes off killing lots of people for minor infraction, or fits of jealousy. It seems that he places a small value on human life, and is more concerned about his reputation than truley helping people. Fear seems to be the main thing he inspires in people hearts. Do you see where your image of jehovah can make you callous toward people in general.

    Morris: First let me say that I'm taking offense at the way your putting down Jehovah, you know it's a fearful think to fall into the hands of a living God, Hebrews 10:31,. So if I were you I would hold off saying anything bad about Jehovah. So let me ask you this doc: If you had to choose between Satan rulership or Jehovah's which would you choose?

    Psyc: Anthony I'm the one that needs to be asking the questions here. So I will very breifly answer your question and then we need to move on. I would choose niether because I don't beleive their is or ever was an issue of Universal Dominion or Soverneignty. Don't you see that you are reading the bible and making great leaps in logic, I think that if you can just let down your defences alittle you can see their is no connection in the in the scripture you spoke of and the issue of "Universal Sovereignty" you assume it protrays.

    Morris: I told you before if you don't have faith it was going to be hard to explain this issue, and you just proved my point thank you.

  • frankiespeakin

    Psyc: Anthony I want you to do some homework do you think you can fit this into your busy schedual?

    Morris: Like how much time are we talking about here?

    Psyc: Not very long, I want you to read this on False Dilemma:

    False dilemma

    From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to: navigation, search

    A false dilemma (also called false dichotomy, the either-or fallacy, fallacy of false choice, black-and/or-white thinking, or the fallacy of exhaustive hypotheses) is a type of informal fallacy that involves a situation in which limited alternatives are considered, when in fact there is at least one additional option. The options may be a position that is between two extremes (such as when there are shades of grey) or may be completely different alternatives. The opposite of this fallacy is argument to moderation.

    False dilemma can arise intentionally, when fallacy is used in an attempt to force a choice (such as, in some contexts, the assertion that "if you are not with us, you are against us"). But the fallacy can also arise simply by accidental omission of additional options rather than by deliberate deception.

    In the community of philosophers and scholars, many believe that "unless a distinction can be made rigorous and precise it isn't really a distinction." [ 1 ] An exception is analytic philosopherJohn Searle, who called it an incorrect assumption which produces false dichotomies. [ 2 ] Searle insists that "it is a condition of the adequacy of a precise theory of an indeterminate phenomenon that it should precisely characterize that phenomenon as indeterminate; and a distinction is no less a distinction for allowing for a family of related, marginal, diverging cases." [ 2 ] Similarly, when two options are presented, they are often, though not always, two extreme points on some spectrum of possibilities; this can lend credence to the larger argument by giving the impression that the options are mutually exclusive, even though they need not be. [citation needed] Furthermore, the options in false dichotomies are typically presented as being collectively exhaustive, in which case the fallacy can be overcome, or at least weakened, by considering other possibilities, or perhaps by considering a whole spectrum of possibilities, as in fuzzy logic. [citation needed]


    [edit] Morton's Fork

    Morton's Fork, a choice between two equally unpleasant options, is often a false dilemma. The phrase originates from an argument for taxing English nobles:

    "Either the nobles of this country appear wealthy, in which case they can be taxed for good; or they appear poor, in which case they are living frugally and must have immense savings, which can be taxed for good." [ 3 ]

    This is a false dilemma and a catch-22, because it fails to allow for the possibility that some members of the nobility may in fact lack liquid assets as well as the possibility that those who appear poor also lack liquid assets.

    [edit] False choice

    The presentation of a false choice often reflects a deliberate attempt to eliminate the middle ground on an issue. A common argument against noise pollution laws involves a false choice. It might be argued that in New York City noise should not be regulated, because if it were, the city would drastically change in a negative way. This argument assumes that, for example, a bar must be shut down for it to not cause disturbing levels of noise after midnight. This ignores the fact that the bar could simply lower its noise levels, and/or install soundproofing structural elements to keep the noise from excessively transmitting onto others' properties, but this is also a false choice because it ignores the fact that the noise could be emanating from the patrons outside the bar.

    [edit] Black-and-white thinking

    See also: Splitting (psychology)

    In psychology, a related phenomenon to the false dilemma is black-and-white thinking. Many people routinely engage in black-and-white thinking, an example of which is someone who labels other people as all good or all bad. [ 4 ]

    [edit] Falsum in uno, falsum in omnibus

    The Latin phrase falsum in uno, falsum in omnibus which, roughly translated, means "false in one thing, false in everything", is fallacious in so far as someone found to be wrong about one thing, is presumed to be wrong about some other thing entirely. [ 5 ] Arising in Roman courts, this principle meant that if a witness was proved false in some parts of his testimony, any further statements were also regarded as false unless they were independently corroborated. Falsus is thus a fallacy of logic. The description that an initial false statement is a prelude to the making of more false statements is false; however, even one false premise will suffice to disprove an argument. This is a special case of the associatory fallacy.

    Falsum in uno, falsum in omnibus status as a fallacy is independent of whether it is wise or unwise to use as a legal rule, with witnesses testifying in courts being held for perjury if part of their statements are false.

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